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[Sticky] Your Favorite: Song?

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Hello -OZ- Members and Regulars i am WickedJizz.

Going thru my 21k songs on my computer today/tonight (whatever) and thought…
“Fcuk me, There is alot of random, pieces of shit ‘music’ that i’ll never and i REPEAT ever listen to”.

Than after 30 odd minutes of deleting music by “Mika”, “Ke$ha”, “Jeffery Star” & “Aaron Carter” Just to name a few… I witnessed my favorite song ever and believe me that’s a achievement because narrowing down to one single song to be deemed your favorite is a hefty skill because their is some juicy, sexy as hell music out there.

My Favorite Song –
[spoiler:somwp8xl]The Script – For The First Time[/spoiler:somwp8xl]
(Don’t hate! Almost was “Nickleback – I’d Come For You)

You know the drill – Favorite song, I’m actually curious to know.

– The Jizz


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WTF is wrong with you
/wrists and /quitlife

Ulti has hacked since the down of time, and he is still mad that nobody will be his friend.

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I said almost, I think they’re talented to be honest, I couldn’t care less what one hater of theirs once said.

Although if i ever have to hear “Rockstar” again /wrists /quitlife!


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Seriously fizz, doing a fave song fred and then mentioning nickleback was always going to result in flames.

In any case, i would offer more fave bands than songs.

Acceptable listening in noob’s opinion:

Faith no more
Alice in chains
Rage against the machine

Thats right, I don’t listen to anything new!


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:L I understand where you are coming from, Apparently all their music sounds the same (?)

Although the song i pointed out has a genuine meaning and is actually a powerful song, I’d never let a Bands past jeopardize a great story that is that song. 🙂


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:L I understand where you are coming from, Apparently all their music sounds the same (?)

Although the song i pointed out has a genuine meaning and is actually a powerful song, I’d never let a Bands past jeopardize a great story that is that song. 🙂

lol save it for your christian forums with triggerhawk k
im sure Priest toucheskids likes nicklebad

no offense but there a horrible band and im sure i wont be the last to say it :>

Ulti has hacked since the down of time, and he is still mad that nobody will be his friend.

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Best of You – Foo Fighters.

Fav Album at the moment: Wasting Light – Foo Fighters

Fav Artist at the moment: Foo Fighters.

Just Foo Fighters. Cant go much wrong.

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Achy breaky heart.

by hillyjnr » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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Alter Bridge – One Day Remains

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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:banana: :banana:

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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It’s incredibly hard to pick out a favourite song, however there have been a few favourites of mine that have remained over the years. Also, don’t be hatin’ 😀

Stevie Nicks – Edge of Seventeen

Kenny Rogers – The Gambler

Meatloaf – I would do anything for love (but I won’t do that)

then you can whip out the secret wand and jab him with it from behind, when he leasts expects it.

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Some of my best songs are

liveing colour – Cult of personality

Thin Lizzy – Jailbreak

ACDC – Thunderstruck

and…thats it 😀


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anything by the backstreet boys <3 xoxo

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Cody Simpson <3 IYIYI!

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Almost was Nickleback – I’d Come For You

More interested in bands than just singles…

Between the Buried and Me
The Contortionist
Animals as Leaders
The Human Abstract
Various Dubstep mixes

Just to name a few.

Looks sus as hell to me, I’ve never seen any mouse that smooth before

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