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^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: fern couldnt find a job in tas for a long time so came here =
^1=^2FA^1=^0Invade: lool
^q.^ppengu^i*: wow team, stop bleeding SERIOUSLY
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: oh!
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: is fern in syd?
^1T^4eD: welcome to allies
^q.^ppengu^i*: ive been rnaded 3 times in 30 seconds
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: cow
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: nah we are west of melb
^q.^ppengu^i*: by my team
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: visit ted
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: cow, has he bought you the ring yet?
^1T^4eD: what suburb?
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: non suburb, past the stab capital melton
^1T^4eD: in melton?
^0Akh^1-^7Horus: fek off thats bs
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: nah wouldnt live there, too dangerous
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: lol hor
^0Akh^1-^7Horus: hacker
^1T^4eD: im guessing u dont want to tell me
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: tell ted, cow
^1T^4eD: nah its cool
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: it’s just a suburb
^1T^4eD: melb is a small place
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: does fern like it?
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: obviously not
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: or love it?
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: cows
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: yes?
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: get a commitment from fern
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: if you like it then you better put your **** in it
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: geezus dog!
^1T^4eD: aw
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: whats with you and trying to marry us? lol
^1T^4eD: who tapped?
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: mat is really a 45 year old woman
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: i like to see mena nd women getting married
^1T^4eD: what about men and men?
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: nah
^1T^4eD: women and women?
^q.^ppengu^i*: random ted
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: we talked about this on derpbox
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: i hate how expensive weddings are ๐Ÿ˜
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: lol what is derpbox
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: mo nmeed cows
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: need
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: shoutbox in the forums
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: ha
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: love it
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: tho its currently berpdox atm
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: it’s berpbox or something now
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: yeah noobit got me to rename it yeterday
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: how old is ferm?
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: fern
^1T^4eD: cows, we need a bot called bender
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: cows
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: oh good one ted
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: cows
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: yes mat?
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: read above
^1T^4eD: ffz
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: 24
^1=^2FA^1=^0Invade: matttyyyy
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: were gonna lose
^0Akh^1-^7Horus: friggin penguin
^q.^ppengu^i*: thanks phoenix
^q.^ppengu^i*: nice bleeding in the back
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: that is too young to get married
^3Phoenix: boohoo happens
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: wth peng? did he?
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: 24 is a bit young
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: guys should wait until 30
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: haha i knew mat would be thinking that
^1T^4eD: dont get married, just live in sin, be happier
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: i was 26
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: no ted
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: if you believe its living in sin, sure
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: it’s not sinful if you have separate rooms
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: are you religious mat?
^1T^4eD: well i mean its not as sinful as gay marriage
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: not rly
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: correct ted
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: lol i was raised in a non religous household mat
^1T^4eD: mat i thought u were an athiest
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: still a sin
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: no
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: i dotn believe in that myself
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: wth
^1T^4eD: mat is religion just a custom and tradition to you, or do you believe in god
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: women are sooo happy on their wedding days
^1T^4eD: ffs
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: fu7 whorus
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: all the stereotyping
^1T^4eD: mat read my question
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: i wish there was god and all that shit, would be awesome
^0Akh^1-^7Horus: zomfg
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: a bit of all of that
^5Epikz: DIE PENGU
^5Epikz: </3
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: cows
^1*^0DbD^1*^0SGT^1,^0Wolf: gg
^q.^ppengu^i*: why mat
^3Phoenix: gg
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: kents
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: he asked me to open gates
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: bye horus
^1T^4eD: whos off?
^2-^3o^2z^3-^0*batim|: cya horrus
^q.^ppengu^i*: to end a good map too soon
^q.^ppengu^i*: sigh
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: so good to see people back on here
^1T^4eD: cya horus
wags: are ghost real
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: thanks to cows, phill and fern
^3Phoenix: yes
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: I BELIECVE IN GOSTS
^3Phoenix: they r
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: ted
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1casius: ART
^1T^4eD: YES?
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: you're getting on, m8
wags: rghost and god live in same transision
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: nah
^q.^ppengu^i*: not the neoplatonic conception of god
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: the wot?
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: i reckon theres somehow something in the world that repeats past events
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: not living spirits and all that
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: rly dog?
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: kinda
^q.^ppengu^i*: :S
wags: ghost are a spirit
^q.^ppengu^i*: ur just oversimplifying traditional explanations of god's nature
^q.^ppengu^i*: hes not just spirit
wags: who made god
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: me
^q.^ppengu^i*: god is existence, so that question is meaningless
^1*^0DbD^1*^0SGT^1,^0Wolf: allahu akbar
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: im an athiest
^q.^ppengu^i*: all so, ur assuming all things have causes, which is not necessarily true
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: speeling boys
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: spelling
^1T^4eD: lol
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: atheist
^1=^2FA^1=^0Invade: lem is the god here
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: athiest makes more sense
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: lem is a buddhist god
^q.^ppengu^i*: perhaps to u
^q.^ppengu^i*: but dont be too quick to judge
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: god of knives and pie
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: i meant the spelling
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1L^0EMR: mmm pie
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: snake god
^q.^ppengu^i*: we are finite, and can only consider finite premises and conclusions, and make approximate conclusions
^q.^ppengu^i*: cant rule things out absolutely
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: geezus peng
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: can and will
^q.^ppengu^i*: up to u
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: did u top marks in english in your yr 12 exams?
^1T^4eD: lol
wags: im a pagan
^1T^4eD: wheres one piece of proof that god exists?
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: the bible ted
^1*^0DbD^1*^0SGT^1,^0Wolf: there is none only stories
^1T^4eD: proof
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: im kidding
^q.^ppengu^i*: ted, give me a proof of anything ๐Ÿ™‚
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1L^0EMR: is there pie in the bible?
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: LEMMY!
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1L^0EMR: what? xD
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: when did u get here?
^q.^ppengu^i*: even LNC is doubtful
^1T^4eD: independant verification
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: satan is a snake in the bible, lemr
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1L^0EMR: a few minutes ago lol
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1L^0EMR: then I own satan B)
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1L^0EMR: BAM
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: peng its a sin to HAX
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: so does ted
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: though shalt not hax
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1L^0EMR: yeah, but adam and even were stupid enough to fall for it ๐Ÿ˜›
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: it is a sin, dog
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: it's being dishonest
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: so hows that weather going
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1L^0EMR: LOL
^q.^ppengu^i*: also ted, u need to ask the reverse too – wheres the proof that god does not exist
^1T^4eD: as aldous huxley said.. religion is the opiate of the masses
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: because its nonsense
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1L^0EMR: how about aliens?
^1T^4eD: proof is on the burden of the hypothesiser pengy
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: also depends which god
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: i like the hindu ones
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: theyre horny
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: there definitely something mysterious out there because the universe is too amazing not to have something big
^3Phoenix: lol
^q.^ppengu^i*: thats a principle which is not assumed as an axiom in dialectics
wags: if god made man perefct why did he put his g spot in his arse
^q.^ppengu^i*: which is what we are and should be engaged in here
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^vCows^dWith^vGuns: LOL wags
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: wth wags
^1=^2FA^1=^0Invade: pen scared the begezz outtta me
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1L^0EMR: well that escalated quickly
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: i thought wags was religious
wags: i love god
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: ty wags
^0[fu7]^3^D^3D^ooggins: ALLAH AKBAR
^1T^4eD: wags gets the statement of the year
^1T^4eD: that should be pasted to forums
^2-^3O^2Z^3-^1matiLda: tallahu akhbar?
^1T^4eD: the gspot in arse thing
