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I hate….

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October 2012 logs searching for ‘I hate’. Enjoy the rage

*EpicSmiley Spawn] no i hate this server even berfore i got raiedacriZ issued server command: /msg cup fuck you i hate you i am going to get you baned
*Raiders Spawn] i hate were i come from
Spawn] hi hate
Pwned PVP] i hate can join too
A3] i hate jumping
Rebel A3] i hate team?
A4] i hate you too
PVP] i hate my life!!
Raiders Spawn] na i hate it lol i just typed in elliot and it came up with this
*Raiders Spawn] i hate stuck up rich kids
*Raiders Spawn] i hate fighting on my own
owudie657 issued server command: /msg i hate u got a god sword?
Spawn] i hate creepers pass the dimond helmet
**Elites PVP] I Hate 200Jeep
*BlackMist PVP] i hate when say i have to take a dump
**Elites PVP] i hate myself
*Raiders Spawn] ah i hate that
*Raiders PVP] i hate lag
actionChat Raiders: *caileen caileen: i hate this thing!
Spawn] i hate everybody
PwnFilter] bubblebut3> i hate fucking dieing
Spawn] i hate pooping dieing
**legends A1] i hate a2 its so big
**legends Spawn] java i hate u!
MadAwsome A1] i hate this map
*Pwned Spawn] k well i hate golden tail
A4] i hate all of you so good by
*Darksiders PVP] i hate splooky he was a friend then tryd to kill mew
[*Rebel Spawn] i hate map 2
Beroya1 issued server command: /tpa i hate
[*Raiders PVP] i hate hights
Rhiannonmo issued server command: /msg lupus2501 i hate when people fight
[*Darksiders PVP] rhi im a boy i made sinderley but its random i hate then account sinderley its a girl name first i
[*Darksiders PVP] so im not a girl i hate girl stuff
[*Darksiders PVP] i hate loveing boys ill be meep
[*Darksiders PVP] im ment r u g.a.y i hate meep peaple i only like girls im a boy i hate girly stuff enyway
[*Darksiders PVP] im ment r u g.a.y i hate meep peaple i only like girls im a boy i hate girly stuff enyway
[**Music PVP] i hate writing!!
[*EnderDudes PVP] i hate lag!
[*Raiders A4] i hate this arens :)
[*Raiders A4] i hate smart speak
[**Betrayed A2] i hate teamers
[**Betrayed Spawn] i hate my cpu
[A1] i hate the damn world se ya
[*assassins PVP] matt i hate ur stupid jail!!
[**DarkHaven PVP] i hate blackmist
[*Raiders Spawn] i hate zoye
[Spawn] i hate lag
FactionChat Raiders: *HPNerd Rhiannonmo: nah i hate hunting
[A3] i hate life kill me
[**ENDERWOR PVP] thechurro plz inv me i hate slay
[**DarkHaven PVP] i hate apple
[A2] i hate rip off chests
[**LastLiving A2] i hate you ratin
[PVP] i hate day
[PVP] i hate day =C
[*Rebel PVP] i hate jeep
[**Elites Spawn] i hate jeep i hate him
[**Elites Spawn] i hate jeep i hate him
[**Raiders Spawn] i hate playing on my laptop
FactionChat Raiders: *HPNerd Rhiannonmo: i hate zoey
FactionChat Raiders: *ben0808: i hate those
§**ODSG r when i hate u
[minerz Spawn] i hate my own faction
[**LastLiving Spawn] i hate your faction
[minerz Spawn] i hate my faction aswell
[**SLAY A4] mrmini i hate u die!!
[**SlimeJuice PVP] i hate me
[*LovedOnes PVP] im here for u and i hate strangers
[*Blackmist PVP] I knbow i hate that kid
[*LovedOnes PVP] i hate jeep
[**SlimeJuice PVP] i hate you
FactionChat Raiders: *HPNerd Rhiannonmo: i hate mt hair
[*CoolPeeps Spawn] i hate that
[**Betrayed Spawn] i hate you ben lol
FactionChat Raiders: *HPNerd Rhiannonmo: i hate ra-ra
[*Raiders PVP] jeep! i hate that guy
FactionChat Raiders: chriscalvery: god i hate sparkleme
FactionChat CoolPeeps: Rhiannonmo: i hate my room
[CoolPeeps PVP] i hate u guys
[A3] i hate this
FactionChat CoolPeeps: chriscalvery: shit i hate lag
FactionChat CoolPeeps: Rhiannonmo: i hate the news
FactionChat CoolPeeps: Rhiannonmo: i hate life
FactionChat CoolPeeps: Rhiannonmo: i hate everything
FactionChat CoolPeeps: Rhiannonmo: i hate my life
FactionChat CoolPeeps: Rhiannonmo: oh i hate these ones
[*Pwned Spawn] i hate nowudie
pokemasterjacob issued server command: /t reds can i join your fac i hate sin right now
[Spawn] i hate hg
[**chicken Spawn] i hate lag
[**chicken Spawn] i hate being 3
[*McaRaiders Spawn] i hate the skin glitch
[**GODS PVP] i hate u
[**NeonLights PVP] I hate u
AllianceChat: **GODS crafterking17: great i hate them i hate them
AllianceChat: **GODS crafterking17: great i hate them i hate them
[**SlimeJuice PVP] nah i hate my fac i dont have a f home
[*epicdesing Spawn] i hate steve skin
[Spawn] i hate this
[pro A1] I Hate this map
[**OPG PVP] i hate u XD
[**assassins PVP] i hate people that bully on the server
[*MuffinDoom Spawn] i hate that no one will pvp me at warp wild
[Spawn] i hate u
[Spawn] rtvv gjAB S i hate you
[PownNow PVP] no i hate arsenal
FactionChat CoolPeeps: chriscalvery: rhi hates this faction anyway
[*Muffins PVP] i hate jungle
[Spawn] i hate you
[Spawn] i hate you
[**Resistance Spawn] i hate being admin of a fac
[**Resistance Spawn] because i wanna be but i hate the haassling
[SlimeJuice A2] Some times i hate hg
[**lol PVP] I Hate this rain
[**Creaters PVP] i hate mining
[*Phantom7 PVP] i hate what they do
[A2] i hate this place
[**Resistance PVP] i hate melon lol
FactionChat Resistance: *Rhiannonmo: i hate mineshafts
FactionChat Resistance: *Rhiannonmo: i hate that song
[**Cails PVP] i hate sinderly
Beckylove123 issued server command: /msg mr i hate u now
[*Legendz Spawn] i hate golden tail hesa asshat
[Spawn] i hate you
[A3] i hate all of y
[Raider PVP] I hate ur fre4aking guts
[PVP] i hate the food bar i need food
[**SlimeJuice PVP] you know what i hate about enchated sowds
[**SlimeJuice PVP] i hate it
[A4] i hate lag but luckily today mine hasnt been too laggy :)
[**Cails PVP] I hate Slimejuice
[**Cails Spawn] i hate my keabord
Mrminifigs issued server command: /msg space i hate karate
[**Raider PVP] bye guys i hate this server now..
[**Raider PVP] i hate how people raid you when u said u trusted them
[**Raider PVP] i hate it!
[**SlimeJuice PVP] i hate it
[**SlimeJuice PVP] sure they do i hate pig
[**SlimeJuice PVP] i hate them for eternty
[**SlimeJuice PVP] pig i hate you
[**SlimeJuice PVP] i hate you
[Spawn] wow i hate ppl that attack in the mid its so meep
[PVP] sure i hate em they kicked me from fac
[*xXPVPXx PVP] i hate lag
FactionChat Resistance: *ben0808: i hate spacedude so much
FactionChat Resistance: *Rhiannonmo: i hate coke
FactionChat Resistance: *Rhiannonmo: i hate it
FactionChat Resistance: *Rhiannonmo: i hate the rain
FactionChat Resistance: *Rhiannonmo: or i hate butter
FactionChat Resistance: *Rhiannonmo: i hate juce
[**Cails A3] i hate my keabord!
[*McaRaiders PVP] i hate my mouse
[**Hyper PVP] i hate isrdex!!
[**killas PVP] yes i do i hate u
[SlimeJuice A4] noo i hate this spawn!
[PVP] i hate all of you peeps
[Spawn] i hate liserdex
[**kings PVP] anyone i hate them now
[Spawn] i hate bow people
[relentless Spawn] i hate you frozen
miasgame issued server command: /tell chriscal i hate you
[*Pwned PVP] i hate to say but i think you guys won good job
[A4] i hate you XD
[**SlimeJuice PVP] i hate you guys
FactionChat SlimeSoup: *EagleFeather55: i hate forgoten
[**Blackmist PVP] i hate this huge safe zone
[Killabytes PVP] i hate lis
[**Cails PVP] i hate my keabord
[YOLO PVP] no i hate one
[SlimeSoup Spawn] i hate dying forst
[SlimeSoup Spawn] but i hate forest
[*Resistance Spawn] no i hate forest
[A4] i hate you
[Spawn] i hate you
[Spawn] i hate yoiu
[Spawn] i hate you vimoworld
[Spawn] poop shandypant i hate you
FactionChat Resistance: *Rhiannonmo: i hate my friends sometimes
FactionChat Resistance: **chriscalvery: thats what i hate
FactionChat Resistance: *Rhiannonmo: i hate it when people say that
[**Piglets A2] i hate this hurricane
[SlimeSoup Spawn] i hate u XD
jacobkeefe928 issued server command: /r that sucks cuz i hate u
[A3] i hate you

Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 1710

ROFL this is gold. MC kids are so good to have a laugh at

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

Member Admin
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2885

sometimes you wish they were right next to you so you could punch their head in

Member Admin
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2290
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multiple times….
