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5m0k3m would like to join.[PASSED]

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5m0k3m would like to join.

Ingame Name/Aliases: 5m0k3m
Real Name: Jayden McKee
Gender: Male
Age: 21
How Long played ET: Around a year on and off
Previous Clans: N/A
Scrimmed before/would you like to scrim: No but would try it out.
Why you want to join OZ: I have a couple of friends in the clan and they keep telling me to join and I like being part of a team.
Other Interests Hobby: Work, Sleep, Eat and then More ET. lol

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 85

Re: 5m0k3m would like to join.

Hey dude. Thanks for applying we will get have it talked a bout soon. Please keep an eye open on the finished apps to see if it has been passed or not passed. Ill also email you with the out come aswell.
Also what members do you know in oz out of intrest

Kind Regards

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Posts: 2
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Re: 5m0k3m would like to join.

RWS is main one and a couple through him

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Posts: 2007

Re: 5m0k3m would like to join.

Your App has passed. Smok3m I have seen you around in ET and using the forum it will be good to have fresh blood in the -OZ- Clan.

Kind Regards,
