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Animorph99 applicti…
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Animorph99 appliction [NOT PASSED]

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hey my name is markus and i would really like 2 join oz gamers (as im a litte bit of a gaming nerd) my hobbies are playing minecraft and any other good game.what i can offer to oz gamers clan is that im a funny, caring, just plain awesome dude that loves to have a laugh and get to know people i have never meet before.i stared gaming at the age of 2 when my dad got me a play station 2 4 my birth day. yes i do own my own microphone but i dont always use it as i rather type to people.

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One of the main requirements to join the clan is to be 15 and over, going off your PS2 ‘story’ you are saying that your present age is 14 or thereabouts since the console was released in the year 2000.

Eminent Member
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Posts: 26

flash is 12 and hes in..

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Posts: 83

But flash is awesome..?

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Flash isnt 12 if he is he joined when he was like 10 and still doesn’t speak, he was allready in the clan when we made the rule anyways….

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Joined: 13 years ago
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Thread bump. Hi there animorph99, we do have a minimum age to join OZ, and at this point we are not sure you meet the minimum age requirements. Apologies, but, I will have to mark this as not passed for the moment.

Eh, Melon is a pretty cool guy, changes your signature and doesn’t afraid of anything.
