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Application MediJen…
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Application MediJenn [Passed]

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Q. What is your in game name, what previous aliases have you used?
A. [N00b] Jenn, Jalibean, Wicked

Q. Why do you want to Join -OZ-?
A. To help you all not to die :> (as quick)

Q. What do you want -OZ- to do and what do you think you can do for -OZ- as a clan and community member?
A. to learn more about the game as well as being a part of the community 😀

Q. Have you been banned previously for anything with any banning system on OZ?
A. I never got banned from any game server I played on

Q. Have you been in a clan before or had any other clan experience?
A. nope :<

Q. Tell us a bit about yourself, not as in gamer profile, but what’s your career perhaps, life dream? Preferred future mating partner?
A. I used to study graphic design, I am german by nationality living in WA – I love outdoors and video games for fun 😀

Q. What is your favourite class/weapon.
A. fav class is Medic as well as I like to use the engineer and pyro X)

Thankyou for considering this application

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2007

Re: Application MediJenn

I love outdoors

You oppose my interest already, not off to a good start! 😛

Welcome to the forums and I assume this application is for TF2. Good Luck a leader of the Tf2 section should be onto this shortly, hold tight and have fun! 🙂

Best of Luck, BR

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 401

Re: Application MediJenn

hello jen im having a game with you as we speak you seem like lots of fun i’ll make a topic in the leaders forum and we will get back to you in under 24hours

tf2 leader, Abs

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Re: Application MediJenn

XD ty ! I will wait for your reply

@black racoon <—– COUCH POTATO 😛

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Re: Application MediJenn

+1 good medic 😀

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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 480

Re: Application MediJenn

Dear Jenn, on behalf of the TF2 leadership team I’d like to welcome you into OZ! Congratulations and I look forward to seeing you in-game soon! Feel free to tag up and head on over to the TF2 section of the forums.

Just a little tidbit to consider, you may want to invest in a new microphone in the future. It was very difficult to hear you last night.

Kind Regards,

then you can whip out the secret wand and jab him with it from behind, when he leasts expects it.
