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Bandido’s ET app[PA…
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Bandido's ET app[PASSED]

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Q. What is your in game name, what previous aliases have you used?
A. Started off as Skade, then went to D3athW1SH and have been Bandido for quite a while now. Had the odd strange name just for a day or so as a joke.

Q. How long have you played with OZ?
A. I have played on the server for the past 12 months, wanted to play earlier but had no time until I sold my business.

Q. Have you been banned previously for anything with any banning system on OZ?
A. No.

Q. Have you been in a clan before or had any other clan experience?
A. No.

Q. Tell us a bit about yourself, not as in gamer profile, but what’s your career perhaps, life dream? Preferred future mating partner?
A. Married with two kids and work as a console operator in a service station. As a wine tech was made redundant five years ago, just want a stress free job under a a/c nowadays. Love Aussie rules footy, bbq’s and pizza nights with close friends sipping on a nice wine.

Q. What is your favourite class/weapon.
A. My Favorite class is medic. I’m a late starting gamer and still trying to master the keyboard, so was advised to go with the medic(easier) option.

Thanks for your consideration guy’s.


Reputable Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 303

Re: Bandido’s ET app

Hi Bandido

I will make a topic in the Memebers lounge so we can vote on this!
If you allow about a week for a responce that would be great!

Please check back regularly as Memebers may have Q’s for you!

I will though for the interum have this topic locked!


Scrim Captain

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Re: Bandido’s ET app

Thanks mate 🙂

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Re: Bandido’s ET app

omfg skade!

I remember when you were just starting :~)

half your skill is in your config

Estimable Member
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Posts: 181

Re: Bandido’s ET app

I’ve played a lot with Skade and quite a bit lately with Bandido. He is regularly on the OZ server in the morning hours he and I are also regularly the only people on.

He is friendly and a considerate player.

I would whole-heartedly support this application.

Honorable Member
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Re: Bandido’s ET app

Played with Banido heaps of times especially when i was off work for months , great bloke no wuckers F1

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Re: Bandido’s ET app

omfg skade!

I remember when you were just starting :~)

Jeez its tough when you first start out. If I was lucky I would get a kill or 2 and got pwned regularly by the bots.

Thanks for your support Bogan and iconoclasst

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Re: Bandido’s ET app

father – son combo

cute 🙂

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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Re: Bandido’s ET app

I hope having Abolisher as my son isn’t going to discredit me too much.

We grew him in a jar and we’re not exactly sure what went wrong 😕

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Re: Bandido’s ET app

omfg skade!

I remember when you were just starting :~)

I hadn’t realized tbh , my apologies for not recognizing you! 😳 😳 😳

I hope having Abolisher as my son isn’t going to discredit me too much.

We grew him in a jar and we’re not exactly sure what went wrong 😕

ROFL 🙂 😆 😆 😆



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Re: Bandido’s ET app

omfg skade!

I remember when you were just starting :~)

I hadn’t realized tbh , my apologies for not recognizing you! 😳 😳 😳



Not your fault, wouldn’t expect you to know me anyway mate.

Eminent Member
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Re: Bandido’s ET app

Its a yes from me.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Estimable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 138

Re: Bandido’s ET app

Congratulations and welcome from behalf of OZ.
Your levels will be adjusted on forums and ingame.
