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Com0301 TF2 [Denied…
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Com0301 TF2 [Denied]

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Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 1
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Q. What is your current in-game name and what previous aliases have you used?
A. My current Username is Com0301 I have previously used Spikes0301 and Hai :3

Q. Why do you want to join -OZ-?
A. I am an Australian and it is nice to finally find an Australian clan.

Q. What do you think you can offer -OZ- as a clan and community member?
A. I like to play TF2 and I hope to help people that are new to the game.
Q. How long have you played with OZ?
A. Not very long, I saw Black Racoon on TF2 and he seemed nice, so I felt like joining.

Q. What would you say are your three favourite video games (On any platform)?
A. My favourite has to be TF2 on PC and Minecraft on PC, I quite like Portal aswell on XBox360.

Q. Have you been in a clan before or had any other clan experience?
A. I have never been in a clan before.

Q. Help us get to know you. In this section feel free to tell us about your occupation, hobbies, favourite books/games/movies/artists, celebrity crush etc.
A. I am 15 and go to a High School in Perth, WA. I also play Lacrosse and Footy.(Australian Footy.) In my spare time I either practise Lacrosse or play TF2 and Minecraft.

Q. What is your favourite class/weapon?
A. I enjoy playing all classes really, If I had to choose a favourite it would be Scout or Engineer.

I was born on the 3rd of January 1996

Thank-you for considering this application.

Honorable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 480

Re: Com0301 TF2

Dear Com0301, unfortunately it has come to light that you do not meet our age-restrictions for clan membership. We require members to be over the age of 15 and despite the age provided in your application it has been independently confirmed that you are in fact only 11 years of age. Application denied.

Feel free to apply for TF2 membership in a few years and in the meantime you are more than welcome to chat with us on the forums, Team Speak and play on our servers.

Kind Regards,
TF2 Leader.

then you can whip out the secret wand and jab him with it from behind, when he leasts expects it.
