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Drays App

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Q. What is your current in-game name and what previous aliases have you used?
A. umm currently Draylord / Lordy to many to list off

Q. Why do you want to join -OZ-?
A. do i need to put a reason its scarey

Q. What do you think you can offer -OZ- as a clan and community member?
A. Already working as a dev this is just cos br wanted me to put in an app

Q. How long have you played with OZ?
A. on and off for years

Q. What would you say are your three favourite video games (On any platform)?
A. hahah LoL, age of empires hmmm lets see so many more to list

Q. Have you been in a clan before or had any other clan experience?
A. Ran my own clan DsF| been in BsB AFT and a few others

Q. Help us get to know you. In this section feel free to tell us about your occupation, hobbies, favourite books/games/movies/artists, celebrity crush etc.
A. well you all know who i am and where i have been

Q. What is your favourite class/weapon?
A. i play what ever is needed

Noble Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1526

Can a LoL Leader reply to this thread please?

[url]Enemy Territory Download[/url] | [url]Missing A Map? Get It Here[/url] | [url]ET Pub Server IP[/url] | [url]Need An ET Key?[/url]

[url] System Requirements[/url]
OZ Teamspeak 3 Server IP

Eminent Member
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Ion i am a lol leader 😛

Noble Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1526

Ion i am a lol leader 😛

Now that’s the kind of speedy response I’m talkin’ about! xD

[url]Enemy Territory Download[/url] | [url]Missing A Map? Get It Here[/url] | [url]ET Pub Server IP[/url] | [url]Need An ET Key?[/url]

[url] System Requirements[/url]
OZ Teamspeak 3 Server IP

Eminent Member
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ah i am to please 😛 ok thats creepy lol

Trusted Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 40

I approve of this. Dray’s been heading up our 3v3 team.
