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Furrys App [PASSED]
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Furrys App [PASSED]

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Hey I was Invited By BlackRacoon & Joy uhm I left oz Before because I thought I couldnt come back to Et on my new laptop, I guess I made that choice to fast anyway hope I get back in.

Ingame Name/Aliases: Furry Aka McFurball
Real Name: Johnny .
Gender: Male.
Age: 16
How Long played ET: 1 Yearish Maybe 2.
Scrimming: Um I was in -OZ7- & should able to scrim anytime.
Previous Clans: -OZ-

Kthxbai Furball/Mcfearless/Furry.

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Posts: 165

Re: Furrys App

good luck Furry
hope you get in

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Re: Furrys App

the recruiting team will look over your app asap and keep in consideration the reason for your leave, best wishes and hope to see you round more until then lock app and look out for information on your app in your msn, pm’s or emails. 🙂
