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Inglourious Basterd…
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Inglourious Basterds Application [PASSED] ET

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Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 641
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Q. What is your in game name, what previous aliases have you used?
A. So many I cant remember them all, but will only use one alias ingame if accepted

Q. Why do you want to Join -OZ-?
A. To help rid the server of hacker scum and the general abusive twats that make playing on OZ not an enjoyable experience at all.

Q. What do you want -OZ- to do and what do you think you can do for -OZ- as a clan and community member?
A. I would like the OZ servers to be clean of hackers and abusive twats so that playing on OZ will be an enjoyable and fun experience for all regs and newcomers alike.

Q. How long have you played with OZ?
A. Umm… around 2 or 3 years on and off maybe ( not sure )

Q. Have you been banned previously for anything with any banning system on OZ?
A. No

Q. Have you been in a clan before or had any other clan experience?
A. Yea I slutted for DR was in tFs, res, rez, +aiM, -OZ-, H*S

Q. Tell us a bit about yourself, not as in gamer profile, but what’s your career perhaps, life dream? Preferred future mating partner?
A. Well, I am a Welldriller, Fitter/Welder, certified Computer Technician, Hold two National Diplomas in IT Computer Network Engineering levels 5 and 6.
Marriage is not a word, its a sentence from which I fortunately eluded and escaped but I have an 18 year old son which is the only offspring I have that I know about.
I will be traveling through Europe in two years time with a very good friend of mine depending on the state of the world at the time. As for my future mating partner’s… Lots of course ;>

Q. What is your favourite class/weapon.
A. My favorite weapon would have to be, mp40/Thompson, and the class would have to be medic because of the health benefits and I like healing people for the cause.

Thankyou for considering this application πŸ˜€

“If life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade”

Noble Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1380

Re: Inglourious Basterds Application ET

Thankyou for your app Basterd, will move this to the members area for consideration.

Good luck!


Noble Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1527

Hi Inglourious ,
Your application has been successful.

Congratulations & welcome to OZ clan. πŸ˜€



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