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invader want to rej…
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invader want to rejoin OZ

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[video=youtube] [/video] this is me now angry as

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How does a vote become inconclusive???

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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I still want to join this votes inconclusive is bs Ian so angry now :rage:

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start your own clan vader, ill join m8

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It was tie, it appears we only presently have six members in the clan so that may be the issue.

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It was tie, it appears we only presently have six members in the clan so that may be the issue.

Six members…. More reason to add him.
Also disregard mats vote due to bias and vader will make ozserver great again.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Just replace matilda with invader, everyone wins

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Invaderp for PM


[url]”there lurks the skid demon”[/url]

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I’ll keep writing till I get accepted into clan what’s wrong with server is becoming empty like last night what’s happening

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Some weekdays are slow, its not the end of the world.

Eh, Melon is a pretty cool guy, changes your signature and doesn’t afraid of anything.

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There were people on? Granted I was sitting on 2-4k ping for most of the night, but that was fairly normal numbers for a Monday night.

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I’ll keep writing till I get accepted

Mebbe that has something to do with it lad

“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.”
– Democritus (460-370bc)

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^2-4k ping???

Where are you playing from???? Uranus??? If so find sunnfgts soul

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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^2-4k ping???

Where are you playing from???? Uranus??? If so find sunnfgts soul

[video=youtube] [/video]

Dunno why, but lag lasted till 11, and by then there were only 6 of us, was a shame, but at least got some cheap shots in.

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Invades again I want to join again

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