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Lestat wants to joi…
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Lestat wants to join [PASSED]

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Ingame Name/Aliases: LeStaT,kAto,Mofo.Azzhat (two clan tags are social clans)(also has MANY other aliases but they are the main 3)
Real Name: Matt
Gender: Male
Age: 37
How Long played ET: Since it was released
Previous Clans:see above tags
Scrimmed before/would you like to scrim: yes and no thanks or maybe dunno
Other Interests Hobby: pc shiz such as building repairs ect ect .. cfging et and savage 1, erm driving in the hills ? meh idk. said:
your a drunken idiot

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Re: Lestat wants to join

f1 yes

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Re: Lestat wants to join

the new lestat looks good 🙂
could help with a lot behind the scene stuff for et
would be an asset
but look im not bias

im just saying
you guys decide.
you guys are what makes oz.

i know that some do have problems with his raging
and it goes witout saying that if accepted
then you will have to stop teh raging
and wear the tags with pride.
otherwise goodluck

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Re: Lestat wants to join

as i said the rage is gone 🙂 said:
your a drunken idiot

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Re: Lestat wants to join

i know but just laying out for the others 🙂

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Re: Lestat wants to join


times 100

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Re: Lestat wants to join


times 100

lol mate

One thing i forgot to mention is that i don’t have as much time as i used to. said:
your a drunken idiot

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Re: Lestat wants to join

f1 * 10^^3 for the wise old man of ET 😀

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Re: Lestat wants to join

it all looks to be going well for lestat 🙂

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looks like the not too old man is in (I call him the young whipper snapper of ET hehehehehehe)

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looks like the not too old man is in (I call him the young whipper snapper of ET hehehehehehe)

you cheeky sod! 😛 and sif own me in ET and then “Hello!” me! said:
your a drunken idiot

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its ok
i get owned often lol
but i mde two kills last night
it made me so happy hahaha
