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Micksterzone's app for LoL

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Some of you already know me, and wanted me to submit an app, so here it is 🙂

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mick use this set up please man

“Introduce yourself, what are you in game names?

Hi, My name is Joel, I’m a contortionist. I currently play under the alias ‘Cpt. Sparklez’ though previously I have used ‘SeaNanners’ and ‘hutchisy0daddy’.

Help us get to know you. In this section feel free to tell us about your occupation, hobbies, favourite books/games/movies/artists, celebrity crush etc.

Well, I am a full-time University student, majoring in Clinical Psychology. I enjoy long walks on the beach, swimming and sky diving. Two of my all-time favourite books are ‘The Swiss Family Robinson’ and ‘The Catcher in the Rye’. Personally I find Katy Perry very attractive.

What do you think you can offer -OZ- as a clan and community member and Why do you want to join -OZ-?

I’m a friendly, fun loving guy whose always considerate of others feelings in game. I especially go out of my way to help new players familiarize themselves with the game and have a joke to suit every situation. I also heard I heard that membership to your clan entitles me to free pizza. I also like hunting for Deer and frying eagles.

What would you say are your favourite games, platforms? When did you start gaming? (On any platform)?

I would say that Goldeneye on the N64, Counter-Strike 1.3 on the PC and Grand Theft Auto on the PS3 are my three favourite games. I started gaming when I was 3, I started on a Commodore 64 then moved onto Xbox 360.”

just so everyones apps are the same

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Have a read through that first Mick 🙂

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