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Mr Lazy Man[NOT PAS…
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Q. What is your in game name, what previous aliases have you used?
A. Mr Lazy Man

Q. How long have you play on the OZ server?
A. I have played on the server for the past year.

Q. Have you been banned previously for anything with any banning system on ET OZ Server?
A. v52

Q. Have you been in a clan before or had any other clan experience?
A. Yes alot, but i’m not telling you.

Q. Tell us a bit about yourself, not as in gamer profile, but whatโ€™s your career perhaps, life dream? Preferred future mating partner?
A. Well i enjoy the company of men. I like to run around pretending i have an MP-40 screeming ding ding ding, tbag bitch.

Q. What is your favourite class/weapon.
A. as i have just said the fucking mp40


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Re: Mr Lazy Man

F1, not sure if i should use your real name. Mark.

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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Re: Mr Lazy Man

Who is the Mark that you speak of young man? My name is captain awesome.

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Re: Mr Lazy Man

A. Well i enjoy the company of men

– This is good enough for me ๐Ÿ˜†

Also, are you able to answer yes to each of these?

1. You have have at least 10000xp CURRENTLY:
2. You have got 25 posts in the last 30 days on the OZ Forums, and with a total of 50 posts or greater.
3. Has been registered on the forums for AT LEAST 3 weeks.
4. Must have a introduction thread in the Introduction Forums.

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Re: Mr Lazy Man


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Re: Mr Lazy Man

lol this thread is just a joke right?
You do realise this is porter BR. Also, he has only made 12 posts this year, pretty sure he has been banned at some point for something.
Could be wrong but I did chuckle when I saw this application and I’m loling harder that it is being taken seriously.
C’mon BR, do some research on these new apps ๐Ÿ˜› Here was a funny thread to read:


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Re: Mr Lazy Man

I herd it was David who made this thread in Porters account…

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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Re: Mr Lazy Man

i once are 5!!!!! HASHBROWNS!!!

Ulti has hacked since the down of time, and he is still mad that nobody will be his friend.

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Re: Mr Lazy Man

i once are 5!!!!! HASHBROWNS!!!

You fucking legend!!!!!! x5

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Re: Mr Lazy Man

Sweet i slap on my oz tags now cya on the server

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Re: Mr Lazy Man

Yay lazy man got into oz. It’s gunna be ownage, when i get into.
