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Ownage’s applicatio…
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Ownage's application-ET [NOT PASSED]

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Hi im matt
area: Brunswick Australia/Melbourne πŸ™‚
Clans ive recently been in: F|A (fearless assains)
I have been playing et for 4 years its a gr8 game πŸ˜›
i would like to join -OZ- because: i would like to be part of the group and make new friends
enjoy the scrims play new maps help out around the servers offer help to som1
thats new to the server and have fun and get some nice kills XD XD XD XD :banana:

Thank you -OZ- team
my best reguards

Q. What is your in game name, what previous aliases have you used?
A. none really i dont change names alot i stick with one name πŸ™‚

Q. How long have you played with OZ?
A. I have played on OZ server for two years now just about

Q. Have you been banned previously for anything with any banning system on OZ?
A. No, never hack because i will know ill get better πŸ˜€

Q. Have you been in a clan before or had any other clan experience?
A. I was in F|A (Fearless Assasins) for about 5months but i have i life πŸ˜›

Q. Tell us a bit about yourself, not as in gamer profile, but what’s your career perhaps, life dream? Preferred future mating partner?
A. Well there is just one dream i have ever wanted and that is to be the worlds best hackyscak man heheh πŸ˜›

Q. What is your favourite class/weapon.
A my favorite weapon is probably the Thompson and the flamethrower because the go long range and great for close combat πŸ™‚

Thankyou for considering this application

Noble Member
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Re: Ownage’s application-ET

Q. How long have you played with OZ?
A. I have played on OZ server for two years now just about

:S as who? Matt?

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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Re: Ownage’s application-ET

Under what alias have you been playing for two years Matty?

Prominent Member
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Re: Ownage’s application-ET

I’m guessing Ownage, as that’s the title of his app. Check the stats page for it?

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Re: Ownage’s application-ET

Ah dumbarse Bogan strikes again

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Re: Ownage’s application-ET

Well, I have played with you tonight, and on that basis I would totally F1 your application. However, I would hope and expect that the senior members would know you better before deciding; so I F1 it, but leave it in the capable hands of our friendly and experience executive. πŸ™‚

“And She did throw a wave to a particle, relatively, and generally, often, pausing only to spraypaint some antimatter with bricks.” Verse 6, Chapter 9, Book of AsTrollogy, The Psychic Testament

Estimable Member
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Posts: 123

Re: Ownage’s application-ET

Hi Matt

This has been taken to the members lounge for a vote

Will let you know the results soon!


Noble Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1526

Re: Ownage’s application[NOT PASSED]-ET

Hi Ownage,
Your Application has not passed at this time , due to a lack of recognition of who you are as a player on OZ.

Please continue to play on OZ & be seen around on the forums so we may have an opportunity to get to know you better before reviewing any future application.

Warm regards & a Merry X-mas


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