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(re)application for OZ [PASSED]

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Introduce yourself, what are you in game names?

Hey, I’m Lachlan, 19 from sydney. My in game name is Joke (i’m kinda new here lol!)

Help us get to know you. In this section feel free to tell us about your occupation, hobbies, favourite books/games/movies/artists, celebrity crush etc.

Currently in 2nd year of uni doing an Earth and Environmental sciences degree. ET is defs one of my favourite games ever, and derpbox is a life-saver from a hard day at work/uni. I’m a big fan of big, loud, obnoxious V8s and my dream car is something like this. Celebrity crush is Bogan, followed by noob and ferny! Shoutout to Rainbow for our awesome meet-up and clubbing experience, as well as to Joy (where are you joy?) who I got drunk with a few times.

What do you think you can offer -OZ- as a clan and community member and Why do you want to join -OZ-?

I was in OZ for a few months, was scrimteam co-captain (pink lyf), but left because of some internal issues with some members that I personally thought were handeled poorly – but thats in the past, and I like where OZ is heading nowadays, and I don’t have any issues at all with any current members (that i can think of)

What would you say are your favourite games, platforms? When did you start gaming? (On any platform)?

ET was the first game I started playing – played on GA during season 9, but kept gettign kicked for being bad, so i played on PTGN servers until they went down, when i joined an american clan and played with them for a while. The infamous ‘HaPpY’ got me back into ET and playing on the OZ servers. I’m a ex WoW-fag, ex-CoD4 CGm player, and currently learnign the ropes in LoL and CoD:MW3.

Do you own a microphone?

Yus. I’m on TS from time to time.

Plz consider my application, and in return I give you this bad-ass video (courtesy of Wit)
[video=youtube;gEJHrmliVQw] [/video]

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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Joined: 15 years ago
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[video=youtube;FZluzt3H6tk] [/video]

noob endorses this fred.


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No shoutout to Triggs, no vote.
Too late now!


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Posts: 181

awesome scrim partner in CG –


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Big F1 from Boges

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this isn’t the vote…

anyway, might need to get to know you, see you on server more etc XD(bananao)


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Anyone who likes Incubus we must let in, on the proviso he only scrims for OZ, so hard to get a good scrim team they all defect. Was great to see jowl play for us recently and rainy said he had net probs otherwise we may have got out of spawn.

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Oh hai der joek , is this a serious application to rejoin?

Pro video by the way. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Yes its a serious thread ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S. Shoutout to trigger for perm banning me back in the day because i don’t like taylor swift! (got those screenies somewhere)

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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because i don’t like taylor swift!

I don’t like her either…. +1 points

Eh, Melon is a pretty cool guy, changes your signature and doesn’t afraid of anything.

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I’d F1 this if I were still in OZ. (F1 this!)


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[COLOR=”#00FF00″]vote posted for oz members:

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Posts: 547

F1 from the Boganator

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not here, there ๐Ÿ˜›

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Posts: 401

Plz consider my application, and in return I give you this bad-ass video (courtesy of Wit)
[video=youtube;gEJHrmliVQw] [/video]

OMFG Made my morning best game evar i think we need an OZ div in this

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