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Stimpakr Applicatio…
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Stimpakr Application [Wolf ET] [Passed]

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hey all

Q. What is your current in-game name and what previous aliases have you used?
A. I currently use stimpakr, maker, or oldest name – replicant (or rep*)

Q. Why do you want to join -OZ-?
A. ET needs me to help keep it alive with new maps, waypoints, etc.

Q. What do you think you can offer -OZ- as a clan and community member?
A. 7 years of et playing, adminning, tutoring and mapping.

Q. How long have you played with OZ?
A. Since it started, on and off.

Q. What would you say are your three favourite video games (On any platform)?
A. et, w:et, rtcw

Q. Have you been in a clan before or had any other clan experience?
A. Some time in BeL as leader, server maintenance, etc etc.

Q. Help us get to know you. In this section feel free to tell us about your occupation, hobbies, favourite books/games/movies/artists, celebrity crush etc.
A. Movie: Blade Runner, Occ: musician, drummer, Goals: learning film-making skills.

Q. What is your favourite class/weapon?
A. Whatever does the most damage at the time.

Thank-you for considering this application.

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Re: stimpakr app

Good bloke F1

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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Re: stimpakr app

idk wth to write…
in game name:L!veToK!ll
Xfire: danipash talk with me
clans i have been:.44th.-recruiter and +SoF|Clan i forgot what level i was there ๐Ÿ˜†

nice Clan ๐Ÿ˜›

and i wanna join

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Re: stimpakr app

go to:

you need to make your own application in:

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Re: stimpakr app

cccdfern – uh that’s what i did. copied the template, filled it out, posted here as directed.

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Re: stimpakr app

cccdfern – uh that’s what i did. copied the template, filled it out, posted here as directed.

He was talking to live to kill.


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Re: stimpakr app

Stimpakr, it’s good to see you back mate. We will have your application proccsessed asap.

Best Regards, BR

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Re: stimpakr app

thx joke. cccdfern LOL i missed that entirely haha
BR thx mate cya soon.

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Re: stimpakr app

Hi mate, seen maker on, F1 from me, love that name “replicant” can I have it. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Re: stimpakr app

@bandido hmm… sorry, no. but you can have next best – “Nexus6” ๐Ÿ™‚

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Re: stimpakr app

nw, so “rep” was also repent?

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Re: stimpakr app

Hi stimpakr , sorry to get to your app a little late mate , I’ll lock this app for now & I’ll pm you once a decision is made.



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Noble Member
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Re: stimpakr app

Hi stimpakr ,
Your application has been successful.

Welcome back to OZ! ๐Ÿ˜€

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OZ Teamspeak 3 Server IP
