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TheKid App[NOT PASS…
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Other hobbies-Sport like AFL(port supporter) I love hocky and i got a gold medal for top 10 best players in tasmania in grade 6 country gold teams

I dont wanner tell to much about me cause it safe to leave some info just incase say a rapest lol come better safe then sorry

Hey some of you might know me on the server as Thekid and i am asking if i can join oz is it ok with the clan.I used to play et a few years ago i join a clan named evil smurfs but im no loger in there clan. I have max level on the oz server i never sware if im gonner sware i alwas change the word to like say the F word i would type u r a little pebbel head but that will most likely never happen cause im a nice guy and i would love to join the clan and i will allwas help clan members in et im mostly good at fild ops im very good on suplying ammo

Thanks for reading hope i join

Cheers TheKId

P.S i cant spell


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Re: TheKid App

Hey mate please read this post and let me know once you have read through that post and the linking posts taht the post talks about and asks you to read.


Once you understand them and have acknowldegd to reading it, I shall allow the process of this app to commence.

Cheers BR

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Re: TheKid App

_________Thekid Wants to join___________
How long i been playing- I would say to years altogther but it took me another 2 years to get the game back when it got deleted of the pc

Old clans-The evil smufs

Other hobbies-Sport like AFL(port supporter) I love hocky and i got a gold medal for top 10 best players in tasmania in grade 6 country gold teams

I dont wanner tell to much about me cause it safe to leave some info just incase say a rapest lol come better safe then sorry Please understand that

Hey some of you might know me on the server as Thekid and i am asking if i can join oz is it ok with the clan.I used to play et a few years ago i join a clan named evil smurfs but im no loger in there clan. I have max level on the oz server i never sware if im gonner sware i alwas change the word to like say the F word i would type u r a little pebbel head but that will most likely never happen cause im a nice guy and i would love to join the clan and i will allwas help clan members in et im mostly good at fild ops im very good on suplying ammo

Thanks for reading hope i join

Cheers TheKId

P.S i cant spell


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Re: TheKid App

I reckon TheKid is related to BR ‘cos he can’t spell either…………’s in the genes 😆 😆


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Re: TheKid App

KK I know allow this app to commence, thank you for reading up, its just so you understand the rules we have in place and all that, hope you understand and thankyou.

Regards BR

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Re: TheKid App

So i have joined and i add -Oz-to my name? lol im so stuiped and im not realted to this Br person lol


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Re: TheKid App

no you can not add oz to your name just yet
you need to wait
and when they tell you your application process then you can advance

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Re: TheKid App

topic locked

we’ll get back to you

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Re: TheKid App

Unfortunately at this point in time your application has not passed.

Stay active and friendly and retry in a month and hopefuly it may be a different outcome.

If you have any questions I will unlock this topic so they can be answered.

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Re: TheKid App

Ok that fine with me. Il post another app in july some time

