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Xblade Application[…
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Xblade Application[NOT PASSED]

6 Posts
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Ingame Name/Aliases: Xblade
Real Name: just call me robo like everyone else ahah
Gender: Male
Age: 16
How Long played ET: 2 years
Previous Clans: N/A
Scrimmed before/would you like to scrim: yes (as a slut) and yes!
Why you want to join OZ: Good at GFX want to have fun, ect lol/
Other Interests Hobby: Computers my GF. Sports/

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Joined: 16 years ago
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Re: Xblade Application

hey m8 good luck wif the application, good 2 c you gettn in2 the forums!

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Re: Xblade Application

Haha thanks mate.

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Re: Xblade Application

Can’t edit my post lol fail.

I’m also learning how to code if that is any help too haha. And i have good experience with php ACP if anyone gets stuck.

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Posts: 91

Re: Xblade Application

hey mate sry for the long wait, BR is afk at the moment and we need him for his final thought ill lock the topic n get back to u wen he fills us in.


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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2007

Re: Xblade Application

Hey mate I need to see you more active on the server and forum until. Please however try again once we see a bit more of you.

Cheers BR
