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..::YEAH TOAST::.. …
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..::YEAH TOAST::.. oz app!

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Q. What is your current in-game name and what previous aliases have you used?
A. ..::YEAH TOAST::.. never has changed, never will change

Q. Why do you want to join -OZ-?
A. just looks for a friendly group to chill with and have fun

Q. What do you think you can offer -OZ- as a clan and community member?
A. im on quite a bit, very friendly and not shy to help others out.

Q. How long have you played with OZ?
A. just starting up

Q. What would you say are your three favourite video games (On any platform)?
A. TF2, TF2 and um.. TF2 dont play anything else!

Q. Have you been in a clan before or had any other clan experience?
A. sadly not, i have just started considering joining recently

Q. Help us get to know you. In this section feel free to tell us about your occupation, hobbies, favourite books/games/movies/artists, celebrity crush etc.
A. im 15 (born 21st august 1996), my name is justin from australia and i am a student at highschool. i play tf2 whenever i get the chance but also very outgoing. i like to spend time with mates and have a good laugh

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Hi toast, thanks for your application.

I’d say the question which is obviously missing from your application is when you fall down do you fall buttered side down or up?


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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 12

hello toast! noobitup i would prefer you not to post in applications,
congrats on making it to the forums toast. please wait 24hours for a verdict on your app. in the meantime feel free to hop on our servers and teamspeak 😀

Scout: Fastest team ace = 7 seconds By : Gunblade

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im just curious about how long it is till i recieve a reply.. its been a week :/

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sorry for the wait. have been busy Congratulations, feel free to slap on the -OZ- tags and join our servers.

Scout: Fastest team ace = 7 seconds By : Gunblade

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Posts: 480

im just curious about how long it is till i recieve a reply.. its been a week :/

My apologies as well Toast. I have been rather busy catching up with my workload after going away on holidays. On behalf of the TF2 division I would like to congratulate you on your successful application. Please be aware that to remain an active member of our clan you will need to maintain a presence either here on the forums or on our Team Speak server.

Kind Regards,
TF2 Leader.

then you can whip out the secret wand and jab him with it from behind, when he leasts expects it.

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thanks a lot 😀
