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2 problems (help)

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1. when im on the server and the map MLB bayraid loads i lag so much i get 5-9FPS and its only that map what dose it (please help me for that)

2. i was on and i think im muted and i dont know why cause i could’nt reply to anything i tryed a PM but no sussces same as the main talk (please fix this It happed like 20 min ago) AND if i did anything wrong or something like that can anyone please tell me?

thanks thekid


Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 1710

1) thats just the map,try BR’s lag-free config see if that help

2) an admin probably muted you for advertising your new fuzziclan forums

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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2) an admin probably muted you for advertising your new fuzziclan forums

Youve been asked not to advertise or try and recruite on the OZ server for your Fuzzi Clan.
You have ignored the request to stop attempting to recruit on the OZ server.
Next you will be banned, We dont want any more complaints about your recruiting efforts.

Game Is For Pew Pew And Forums Is For QQ

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oh crap sorry…BUT i wasent warned for that before? but i wont get more members anymore 🙂 (well on the server lol i do it on MSN or anything witch wont involeve OZ :P)


Member Admin
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2007

Thankyou to joke for making the reference to the config please try here mate..


I have based my new config ENTIRELY on this config and it has helped me a lot in game as well. 🙂 + I been playing in fullscreen may have a bit to do with it too. But it should fix your fps A LOT! Once you have it then exec etconfig.cfg it should load auto but if not then do that In game. You will notice the difference in FPS in game once using it in comparison to the current config you may be using.

Also, In regards to what Skanky said, please check the rules if you are uncertain next time, its usually a good place to start to check and if you still can’t find what your looking for ask an admin next time and they will lead you in the right direction :).

Cheers, BR

Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 1460

oh crap sorry…BUT i wasent warned for that before? but i wont get more members anymore 🙂 (well on the server lol i do it on MSN or anything witch wont involeve OZ :P)

See that you do. If you are caught again the consequences will be dire 😉


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ok i understand. can i be unmuted now please

quick question say if a player asked me for our fuzzi clan site am i allowed to tell them? (just want to know if that is ok)

thanks thekid


Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 1710

ok i understand. can i be unmuted now please

quick question say if a player asked me for our fuzzi clan site am i allowed to tell them? (just want to know if that is ok)

thanks thekid

Tell them via PM or MSN.

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!
