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ATB When Bots Are O…
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ATB When Bots Are On Pls

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Blusky I understand where your coming from, there’s nothing more frustrating than a Noobie (as you call them) standing in spawn and blocking door ways or not doing the objective etc.
But with that said, what a Noobie needs is a more pro player to teach them how to get out of spawn and make some use of them selfs.

I myself am not the best player, but if I had you (just for a example) to follow out of spawn, I would have a better chance of actually getting out of spawn before copping a head full of lead and as you know I usually go Medic, and if you happen to fall victum to the lead pellets I 98% of the time will do my best to heal.

All I’m saying is noobies need a chance to learn the ropes just as you did when you first started. They won’t learn if they have no choice but to join a team full of noob’s or Bot’s. The only thing the Bot’s are good for is learning how to aim better, other than that they will always take the same route.

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All I’m saying is noobies need a chance to learn the ropes just as you did when you first started. They won’t learn if they have no choice but to join a team full of noob’s or Bot’s. The only thing the Bot’s are good for is learning how to aim better, other than that they will always take the same route.

IMO bots are terrible for learning. I hate playing against them. They’re unnatural(probably because their bots lol), they make you aim different and their aim is retarded going from MISS MISS MISS to 3 headshots or an rnade in the face. The only thing they are good for is to fill the server late at night or early on.

I’ve seen you play many times and you aren’t even bad. You actually push out. You go medic. You heal. You average a 1:1 K/D. You aren’t a dumbass.

The bolded lines are the qualities I find most frustrating in newbs or just random players. The ones that camp their own spawn/odd places just to get one frag. Second one being panzers or rnades that just have NFI. Most players aren’t willing to learn how to play better.

Take for instance i0n who was pretty newbie and now I wouldn’t object at all to having him on my team – he’s a great player now.

half your skill is in your config

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Take for instance i0n who was pretty newbie and now I wouldn’t object at all to having him on my team – he’s a great player now.

Yeah hes gotten better.
G-Train has gotten alot better since MOFO clan days.
Horus has learned quite a bit I would suspect.
T0k3n is also a long time players and hes gotten much better.
Lead Poisoning is another long time players, hes not bad at all.
Myther ive seen get better.
Fraggle can shoot better too but her panzering skills need attention lol ๐Ÿ™‚

There are quite a few people I know that have gotten better. All of those people have persevered from getting owned, learning tactic, watching others, etc etc etc, but there are alot of players that are random to the game and ETPub being for public people, it does become a deterant if certain rules/ways favor the better players instead of trying to cater slightly more for the less fortunate (noobs). With regards to BOTs…it is somewhat a good thing for newbies/randoms to learn the maps and learn shooting late at night when its quieter and people can give advice and help out.

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I’ve seen you play many times and you aren’t even bad. You actually push out. You go medic. You heal. You average a 1:1 K/D. You aren’t a dumbass.
The bolded lines are the qualities I find most frustrating in newbs or just random players. The ones that camp their own spawn/odd places just to get one frag. Second one being panzers or rnades that just have NFI. Most players aren’t willing to learn how to play better.

Theres a reason why they’re labeled as newbs. Try teaching them some alternative ways to push out instead of waiting for a chance to join the stacked side.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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….The bolded lines are the qualities I find most frustrating in newbs or just random players. The ones that camp their own spawn/odd places just to get one frag. Second one being panzers or rnades that just have NFI. Most players aren’t willing to learn how to play better.

Theres a reason why they’re labeled as newbs. Try teaching them some alternative ways to push out instead of waiting for a chance to join the stacked side.

Pretty condescending considering I spend large amounts of time helping players of various skill levels (NOT JUST THE XXXPROSXXX) tweak their settings and let them know what X cmd does. What sens to use (dumb question). What mouses r gud. What’s a good config site. I get asked if their strafe is ‘good’ Etc etc etc. I refuse to help the narrow minded worms that say “configs r haxs” and other slurs of artificial skill. The large text above is why I don’t try teaching ‘alternative’ ways to push out (there’s pretty much only a few ways to push out and none of them involve camping your own spawn with a panzer, I mean it’s run out and attack – everyone has to learn and usually it’s common sense until you hit a point where it’s more complex). Take for instance death, he always tries to rally up team work and co-ordinated attack against a stacked team – from my observations he usually ends up just saying “FFS” or “PUSH OUT” – he really does try to make them do something that is useful for the team and ends up with no positive result. Furthermore, you can typically find newbies ‘getting in the way”….in the most literal sense and in other various ways such as by me reviving them and then me dying….then them dying. The list could go on…

Lastly, I don’t usually JOIN the stacked team i’m usually ON a team that then proceeds to be stacked. It’s funny how I can’t play with ‘friends’ cos we’re stacking a team.

half your skill is in your config

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^Helping people tweak their configs is totally different to helping people with their game-play.
Usually the team being camped will only be camped from one passage whilst the other route will be patrolled by lesser skilled players. So directing people through an alternative way will greatly benefit everyone.
In reference to the ones who’ll stay in spawn, well not much can be done there but one things for sure and that is they’re mostly the worst players on any side.

Lastly, I don’t usually JOIN the stacked team i’m usually ON a team that then proceeds to be stacked. It’s funny how I can’t play with ‘friends’ cos we’re stacking a team.

Theres nothing wrong with playing along side your friends but when it gets to the point where the other side spends the entire map time in their own spawn then how fun can that really be…….. spawn….. dead within 10secs……. wait 15sec for respawn and repeat for the rest of the map time.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Going on what butz said, when it gets to that point you know there is going to be a shuffle anyway, so why not just take one of your mates and go to the other team? Generally there are at least 4-5 of you guys on one team with the other team getting creamed, take one and even it out. The worst part is that when people are shuffled or moved, they won’t stay on the new team. That is going to change ๐Ÿ™‚
I changed the shuffle and putteam commands to make you stay on your new team, so once that goes live people can either balance teams themselves or be forced to a team to balance them ๐Ÿ™‚


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^Helping people tweak their configs is totally different to helping people with their game-play.
Although my comment said that I do help players with some gameplay issues and ‘etc etc etc’….

You fail to realise that it’s really not as simple as ” GO this way guys!!”. The best way to actually learn is by playing properly and not like an idiot. It really is as simple as actually trying to push and kill players even if they have no chance. I can’t make them do this. As I said before it’s far more enjoyable playing with people that dont get in the way.

If mods are soon to be allowed to putteam good player x, can mods now putteam newb player y in attempt to balance?

Theres nothing wrong with playing along side your friends but when it gets to the point where the other side spends the entire map time in their own spawn then how fun can that really be…….. spawn….. dead within 10secs……. wait 15sec for respawn and repeat for the rest of the map time.

Spawn camping like you mention happens to every single player that’s ever played ET or pretty much any FPS for that matter. Get over it. People don’t just become good either they have to go through the same process of being crap and getting spawn killed.

half your skill is in your config

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Take for instance death, he always tries to rally up team work and co-ordinated attack against a stacked team – from my observations he usually ends up just saying “FFS” or “PUSH OUT” – he really does try to make them do something that is useful for the team and ends up with no positive result

That is so true. Its frustruating trying to get newbs to try and attack together without blocking each other or just running out like headless chickens. Problem is it takes waaaay toooo long to write where people should try and be and so forth. The people who have grasped the basics (team typing, knowing map etc) we can co-ordinate to some degree but most of the time its randomness that fails with me trying to do this and people dont really know what to do.

Another problem with trying to teach noobs is no-one has the time to take time off from playing during peak hour and actually helping them out…everyone preety much is too bussy trying to do their own thing. I think the best option is for them to slowly get used to the typing commands, map layout and how the game progresses and slowly get better at shooting/strafing. Then people with good knowledge of config tweaking and so forth can help out or perhaps when the noobs have grasped how to type in chat they can ask for help, but having the bots on late at night during off-peak gameplay is good for those players to get used to those general aspects of the game.

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You fail to realise that it’s really not as simple as ” GO this way guys!!”. The best way to actually learn is by playing properly and not like an idiot. It really is as simple as actually trying to push and kill players even if they have no chance. I can’t make them do this. As I said before it’s far more enjoyable playing with people that dont get in the way.

Actually I do know it takes time and patience to teach newb players how to improve their game play, thats pretty much universal across the board of any game or anything in the world.

If mods are soon to be allowed to putteam good player x, can mods now putteam newb player y in attempt to balance?

So your solution to stacked teams is to make the stacked team even stronger???

Spawn camping like you mention happens to every single player that’s ever played ET or pretty much any FPS for that matter. Get over it. People don’t just become good either they have to go through the same process of being crap and getting spawn killed.

Personally I don’t have a problem with spawn camping but I’m just trying to convey the newbs perspective on the matter. Fact is it’s not fun to be camped nor is it fun to see people cry at newbs for not pushing out rather than helping to improve their game play.
Sure not everyone will listen to you at first but if you persevere I’m sure 1 or 2 will get better and eventually the number of pain in the arse spawn dwellers will decrease.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Moving a worse player to a better team doesn’t do anything, this is what is known as significant figures. High K/D players are the sig figs in this equation and moving the small K/D players does essentially nothing to help the problem.
Anyway, as I said this problem will be fixed by keeping players on their teams, probably tonight when we put the new build on the server ๐Ÿ™‚


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ATB wouldn’t let me join today ๐Ÿ™

Axis were two men down, so i tried to join axis. “The axis team is too good, please join allies”

oh, ok then.

Try to join allies “the allied team has too many players”


If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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I are going to pour petrol all over myself and set myself alight if ATB doesnt get sorted


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by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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