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Cannot PM in game at the moment.

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Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 1460

Yeah I agree with happy on this one, some people are spoiling it for the rest.
Given that oz people can see pms when they are spec (from what I remember someone saying) then those oz members can simply warn then kick those players that are playing up with pm’s. If they continue to play up just ban them. I personally haven’t seen that much pm abuse on the server except those that do /m a im muted this is gay. In those cases you can just warn them to shush then kick them if they continue.
It hurts too many people to have /m gone ๐Ÿ™


Noble Member
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Yeah, ffs, i cant /m triggs u got rick-rolled bish ๐Ÿ˜†

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

Honorable Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 522

cheers trigger

and lol at g ๐Ÿ˜€
love using the word bish
eg. u got snapt bish
pwned bish ๐Ÿ˜€ hahahaha

Prominent Member
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Posts: 827

Yeah I agree with happy on this one, some people are spoiling it for the rest.
Given that oz people can see pms when they are spec (from what I remember someone saying) then those oz members can simply warn then kick those players that are playing up with pm’s. If they continue to play up just ban them. I personally haven’t seen that much pm abuse on the server except those that do /m a im muted this is gay. In those cases you can just warn them to shush then kick them if they continue.
It hurts too many people to have /m gone ๐Ÿ™


BIG F1 from me on this one. Banning PM is out of the line IMO. If the spam ison global then thats fair enough…you would mute the person for spamming but stopping PM messages is just not right. It is a private communciation between players and if a person is spamming it then the same should apply if the situation was global chat. Players can stop incoming PM from specific players as well if they wish too….not sure what the command is for that though.

Admins should take matters from lowest extreme first…not jump the gun and ban PM because of people spamming it…thats too harsh.

Honorable Member
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Posts: 522

thats 2 supporting my view
anyone else think its outrageous?

Noble Member
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Posts: 1460

PM’s seem to be back on. There were working when I was on earlier today.


Honorable Member
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Posts: 522

yea they work now
good work :rnade:

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Posts: 417

imo ban the offenders and keep the pms 4 the ppl that use it without causin trouble
as now u hav 2 join the team that the person u want 2 talk 2 is on and start a fireteam chat
and if that team has more players ur stuk
really does suck at times

are we allowed to ban muted pm offenders? BR info plz. Coz i like the idea of pm’s off so they ARE muted,but if they spam it up and we can ban for it then i am good with that ๐Ÿ™‚ but hang on that was not why the pm’s where turned off anyway it was coz (FKQ) recruited Via them.And i been told that is a No-no so ya. said:
your a drunken idiot

Noble Member
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Ban is a tad much for a first offense, I’m pretty sure its a few warnings first, then a kick then if things are still out of hand a ban.
But yeah I’m sure br can clarify if he didn’t already when we were on the server.


Honorable Member
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Posts: 522

just do wat u hav 2 do 2 maintain peace i guess
straight out bans and kicks arent needed, u should make players fear ur power
gibbing some1 instead of a kick is an example, no1 likes being dead
in the case of abusing the right 2 pm, then dish out wat measurements u see fit be4 banning

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why thnak you happy for such constructve posting ๐Ÿ˜›
lol either way i am glad that pm is back up.
as for rippa i hate you and i hate you and i hate you !
lol stupid guy
hahaha i dont hate many but i hate him ๐Ÿ˜€
lol either way advertising and downing the server is wrong, like wtf why play on the server then? either way these people will be dealt with whether it is a ban kick or warning

Prominent Member
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Posts: 827

u should make players fear ur power
gibbing some1 instead of a kick is an example, no1 likes being dead


Anywasy glad PM is back on. If admins find that couple of players are being abused by PM then mute. Admins should know the severity of the situation to take approriate actions. Ive been a victim of PM spam before and even though it doesnt bother me to the extend where i cannot play my game i was sure others might feel otherwise, so i took it to the admins and sure enough it awas taken care of without taking things too far.

Glad things are working out ๐Ÿ™‚

Noble Member
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Each player has the ability to /ignore so PM abuse shouldnt be an issue.

And seriously, how could anyone hate Rippa, apart from SkankyMoe and Frog, funniest bloke on ET ๐Ÿ˜†

Is Nofitstate rly Flex, sif not say hi ya snobby kent ๐Ÿ˜›

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

Honorable Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 417

not to do with pm’s but /ignore command is borked because it sometimes does not block global chat from that person. ๐Ÿ˜† said:
your a drunken idiot

Honorable Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 522

rofl who uses /ignore anymore?
now that the previous admin team left, not much trouble is created
and listening 2 the odd lil rage is quite enjoying
be4 it goes 2 far of course, like bleeding and tking

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