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Default spawn invul…
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Default spawn invulnerability ?

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Regardless of doing the objective while being invulnerable – the spawn shield is still broken.

half your skill is in your config

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Death on reactor (allies first phase) you can get parts and take it back inside under spawn while invul. Then you /kill pick up parts again and take it to the truck without taking a single bullet of dmg. Do you get my point?

I too have done this. Its a very SIMPLE STRAT.

/kill and pick it up again??? What are the chances of you picking it up again (or one of your team mates) before axis???

Death – you’ve been playing for how many years and still dont understand what Mess is saying?


by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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Alrighty, I will take all this into account and work out a more customised way of having the spawn shield work whilst trying to prevent these map killing strategies take place ๐Ÿ™‚


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Thank you for clearing up my post guys.

I appologise for all the cryptic messages a leave embedded for you to discover. This is just the way I type.

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Allies can cap the objective from their forward spawn —> plane while being invulnerable.

As I said before though, regardless of being invul and capping objectives, it’s still a dumb change. Please make it default, I mean, think before you implement changes. It’s so “IN YOUR FACE” broken, play for 5 minutes and see for yourself. IMO this is complained about on the server more than ATB(which is also…not working as intended.)

If it was default do you really think there would be many complaints? It’s even for all and there’s only about 4 players that play on OZ that can SK effectively.

Cmon you know it’s broken and retarded trigger, especially when Death is trying to back the change.

half your skill is in your config

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I think it is fine to be honest. Working exactly as intended.
The latest change will stop those being able to take an objective under invul so that complaint will be cleared up as soon as the new build comes on.
It’s only retarded if you are trying to camp the spawn. The max spawn shield is only 6 seconds, something most people won’t even reach.


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Cmon you know it’s broken and retarded trigger, especially when Death is trying to back the change.

You make a compelling argument.

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Zomg how many things are u admins going to change, annoy everyone, and then say its fine?

Dude change the frigging spawn shield back to what it was.


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Admins – /ignore

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I think it is fine to be honest. Working exactly as intended.

Capping objective while being invulnerable, I hope, is not what you intended….But, i’ll say it again, regardless of capping the objective while invulnerable – the spawn shield is still STUFFED and breaks gameplay in many aspects…as listed in this, and other threads.

It’s only retarded if you are trying to camp the spawn. The max spawn shield is only 6 seconds, something most people won’t even reach.

It’s retarded when you’re no where near a spawn and the enemy has a shield. 5+ death streaks are very common for many players – and no, that isn’t a reason FOR a longer spawn shield

half your skill is in your config

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How about the admins actually absorb what the players are saying for once. Instead of fuxing with cvars and going ‘look what i made!! :)’ to their moms.


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@ blusky,

Capping objective while being invulnerable, I hope, is not what you intended….

The latest change will stop those being able to take an objective under invul so that complaint will be cleared up as soon as the new build comes on.

What other parts of the game play does it affect? List them in a nice numbered list please, telling me to read through the thread will give you the response of “I will look into it” with me just going back to what I was doing.

@cake, I do absorb what you say, unfortunately it isn’t my position to do said changes. I haven’t talked to BR in a long time as he has an actual life and it was his decision to have the shields on, ergo it is his place to remove them. That being said I have been meaning to bring it up with other devs so that at least it would be a joint decision to get rid of it, but alas I haven’t been able to talk to anyone yet about it due to either my bad memory or them being away when I do remember. Regarding ATB, since I am too lazy to post two posts in different threads, it is being looked after by Amacide. I am also on the side of getting rid of ATB but people feel differently about these things. Since Ama is tweaking it, you can talk to him about it. I have posted a few things in the dev forum about ATB but it seems that Ama also seems to have a life outside ET and hasn’t had a chance to respond. Are you actually annoyed at the spawn shields here cake or are you just annoyed at ATB and felt you should carry the whinge onto this thread too ๐Ÿ˜›


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spawn invun is borked and ruining game play the good players are been punished for been good in every game there are better players than the rest…. u cant blanket up the newbs completly i would like the spawn to be put back to stocko but i can accept the 4 seconds that IT WAS ORGINALLY CHANGED TO but this new bullsh1t set up has gone to far its ruining games big time newbs die enuf then they can do virtually ne objective un damaged …. which is bogus specially when its an objective based game…. and u cant stop them from completing it becos they are in GOD MODE becos their HELL BAD AT THE GAME and i know some smart arse AKA Trigger is gunna go well fleks u dont even do the objective rah rah rah ….. bullsh1t i dont me camping and racking up massive kill amounts is paramount to the objective … im stoping the oppostion from completing theirs…. but the newbs are getting to run around doing these objectives without taking a single bit of damage…. if u havnt noticed …. u look at the server people with low KDRS have the HIGHER PWR BECOS THEY ARE FINISHING MAPS AND OBJECTIVES BECOS U CANT STOP THEM BECOS OF THERE SPAWN INVUN…. JUST PUSS JUST STUPID….

I try to drop hints to oz by giving examples from certain maps –

Frostbite.. when allies have cp if you die a few times as allies or axis and get bonus invul time you can make it to the enemies spawn.

Without all the other stuff flekz is going on about, he’s actually right about the invul.

It’s not even catering for the ‘newbs’

It’s broken, a good idea on paper – but in game it works terribly.

IMO it’s too long and it should be default. Respawn time is fast(broken) enough to compensate for spawnkilling and really with rules still being enforced to disallow heavy weapon SK I wouldn’t see default spawn invulnerability as a bad thing.

The increased time is just silly and on some maps it screws around too much with gameplay. I mean, not even meaning to spawn kill but you can’t hurt them. For instance, off the top of my head, broken maps – Oasis 2nd axis spawn can pick off a few allies and run back to safety with invul
Goldendunk – nuff said
Frostbite – CP -> SERVICE xfire is non existent
Frostbite – Axis coming out of spawn can pick of a few allies not even in their ‘spawn’ zone
Goldrush – simply denies you of camping axis behind their spawn.
Goldrush – First phase, axis having long immunity coming out w/tank
Supplydepot – First phase axis defence around the flag just imbalances it
Supplydepot – Second phase axis invul will destroy any allies that come through the area(all of them)
Railgun – CP Spawn – Gamebreaking

I would agree to change the spawn invulnerability to default because of these three main points.

1. On maps where people sniper e.g. ET Beach and battery the offending sniper on the other team will get a massive advantage if they are killed. They get 5 seconds to line you up and take the shot.

2. If your running past a spawn and suddenly the enemey appears you practicality have no chance.

3. Sometimes spawn camping is the key to victory eg on goldrush when getting the gold. You don’t want axis to make it across the court yarn then loose their spawn shield… it also makes spawn camping easier for both noobs and pros. By increasing the invulnerability you’re just increasing the time it takes to be camped.

Exactly but it just ruins many areas of maps where there would be xfire and skirmishes. It covers some newbs in fluffy lindt chocolates and mothers milk but ruins many other players fun. I mean when we talk about OZ server there are only a few players that complain about SK….and I mean a handful.

A good example of why the extra spawn sheild is hindering gameplay.

Gold rush as Axis can run out of last spawn and literally build tank barrier before sheild wears off…..doesn’t seem fair that a player can complete a MAJOR objective while in “God Mode”. Especially one that is so detrimental to the outcome of the game.

That being said, i think the new players need the extra time for other maps so im sitting on the fence on this one.

Spawn needs to be default on reactor. Allies can get to the objective with shield still in hand.

I have built the whole barrier before my sheild wore off.

I would have thought we would want to promote doing objectives through team-work and skill rather than by abusing wacky server-specific god mode rules?

Death on reactor (allies first phase) you can get parts and take it back inside under spawn while invul. Then you /kill pick up parts again and take it to the truck without taking a single bullet of dmg. Do you get my point?


Special delivery – axis and allied player meeting each other in the tunnel and both still have shield – this shouldn’t happen on any map.


Allies can cap the objective from their forward spawn —> plane while being invulnerable.

As I said before though, regardless of being invul and capping objectives, it’s still a dumb change. Please make it default, I mean, think before you implement changes. It’s so “IN YOUR FACE” broken, play for 5 minutes and see for yourself. IMO this is complained about on the server more than ATB(which is also…not working as intended.)

If it was default do you really think there would be many complaints? It’s even for all and there’s only about 4 players that play on OZ that can SK effectively.

Cmon you know it’s broken and retarded trigger, especially when Death is trying to back the change.

How about the admins actually absorb what the players are saying for once. Instead of fuxing with cvars and going ‘look what i made!! :)’ to their moms.

Ahem, now my list.

1. Map crossfire is screwed MAJORLY on some maps (listed in one of the quotes above). On that note do I have to list how it stuffs majority of maps up?


3. Mine placement is broken with increased invul, for example, frostbite(allies first spawn > trans) and sos (allies second spawn > plane). These aren’t selective one time things, either.

4. Teaches noobs to play badly and gives them false experience. They can’t learn or get better when they’re unhittable.

5. Forward spawn issue. Having increased invul and a forward spawn stuffs alot of maps up, in terms of xfire and where to camp.

6. Catering for a small number of people who don’t really care.To be honest there was minimum complaints about ‘light weapon SK’ to be allowed, majority of people are fine to give and take.

What other parts of the game play does it affect? List them in a nice numbered list please, telling me to read through the thread will give you the response of “I will look into it” with me just going back to what I was doing.

Please get off your high horse and play more, actually feel for yourself why – and how it is broken.

Increased invul and ATB aren’t fixes for ‘stacking teams’. They both ruin gameplay mechanics, game sense and fun on the server.

Team stacking just happens. It’s how it is, the fixes being erected on the server are just frustrating FOR ALL, not just ‘pros’.

half your skill is in your config

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And on the seventh day, Blusky rested. Ahh the mighty blusky. How we all love thee. And yea trigger the spawn invuln falls into the same category as ATB: Fix it, everyone knows its borked etc.


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Lets take things a little back…anyone recall the shield times on the previous servers we all played on??? Huuh? Cos I can tell you they were in the ball part of 2-3sec above default…AND NO-ONE EVER COMPLAINED unless it went overboard above the the 6-7sec time we have now.

I know WTF Mess is talking about but you cannot take the parts from spawn straight to the truck in ONE GO; Youre assuming that there are no enemies in your way, nor obstructing fire OR team mates also trying to move around the playing field…seriously all the previous servers had above default shield times. I do agree that some maps put both sides too close to each other and both parties may reach a point while still in god-mode BUT take into account the chance of that happening and you should know that its s**t-f**k-all (especialy due to the fact that spawn times are different for both sides).

IF the spawn shield is obstructing gameplay around objectives then fair enough (lower it by 1-2sec) but considering the fact that most good players stack team anyways on OZ its fair to give the noobs more of a fighting chance…funny how the good players are annoyed with this yet noobie players dont voice their opinion…

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