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Fld ops and mortar[FIXED]

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in my eyes he is the most underpowered class
1. in the surver if there are 2 on one team u throw an airstrike and most of the time all planes are busy can we fix that so change is slow but if u call arty or airstrike it will go?

2. Mortar umm well basicly im not sure if it me but when i go mortar and shoot i press g to see map and i dont see where its hitting =/ make it verry hard

fix plz br

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Re: Fld ops and mortar

Well, I tested the mortar and it seems to be working for me, it ma be another .pk3 file causing the problem check your eptub folder for unwanted .pk3’s.

Secondly the field ops issue, what kind of exact times are we talking about like 40 second recharge for fops, 3 airstrikes and artillary support things per minute.

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Re: Fld ops and mortar

not sure exactly just 5 secends slow charge than it is now and 3 arty and 3 air see how it goes?

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Re: Fld ops and mortar

Current Settings in the server.cfg are as follows

set g_LTChargeTime "25000" //Charge time in milliseconds of Fops Charge
set g_minAirstrikeTime "45" //Time Between each strike
set g_minArtyTime "45" //Time Between each strike

Remember we don’t want arty spam all over the shop either..

New ones suggestion (not made yet)

set g_LTChargeTime “30000
set g_minAirstrikeTime “20
set g_minArtyTime “20

Cheers, BR

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Re: Fld ops and mortar

that sujjestion sounds good to me 😀

aw and b4 i for get landmines need to be put up coz 3 landmines to kill a medic is silly

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Re: Fld ops and mortar

that sujjestion sounds good to me 😀

aw and b4 i for get landmines need to be put up coz 3 landmines to kill a medic is silly

Its not the landmines or the hs problem (which has come up in the past, its the medic max health, its causing problems because level 4 meds get bonus health so I need a way of lowering their health.

Also Abolisher, I have applied the new sets to the config, will take affect next reset 🙂

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Re: Fld ops and mortar

Field OPs aren’t underpowered at all – if you’re the only one. You can dominate the server

half your skill is in your config

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Re: Fld ops and mortar

Well, considering that..

g_minAirstrikeTime [integer] 
The time (in seconds) that must elapse between airstrikes PER TEAM.

Default is 10

g_minArtyTime [integer] 
The time (in seconds) that must elapse between airtillery strikes PER TEAM. Attempts to do airstrike before the timeout will get "Insuffient fire support" message.

Default is 10

We can always test out the new cvars settings and see how they prove to the server.. If there is too much artillary spam then it will have to take the chop.

Cheers, BR

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Re: Fld ops and mortar

Yeah, up the power for field ops please 😈

by hillyjnr » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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Re: Fld ops and mortar

You seem to want to increase the lag on the server Abolisher


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Re: Fld ops and mortar

Yeah I had an issue trying to place some arty-support…took me nearly 2 minutes before I could place one. Problem is when some nooby fieldops keep chewing up the support-fire int he wrong places…fair enough hes learning but come on IN OUR OWN SPAWN!?

IMO grenades need to be beefed up; their splash damage in particular. Grenade launcher is set good though 🙂

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Re: Fld ops and mortar

Grenades are fine how they are.

Engies have 8, and field ops can pump out infinite ammo anyway.

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Re: Fld ops and mortar

the whole surver lags any way which needs fixing or we all need better comps XD if u ask me just turn down graphics
