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Goldrush 2 > Goldru…
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Goldrush 2 > Goldrush.

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It can be done , i’ve done it heeps but on smaller servers liek 2.55 [G!X] servers allies always won. but on oz it’s alwasy like 14-14 and highly unlikely.
but teh main thing is is that – with GR GA there is more than 2 ways of getting the gold and getting to the truck – thats why we need GR GA


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We did it earlier toady.
The problem is you need to have the sides stacked hard to do it.
No one really aims to win goldy though, everyone goes for the kills.


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The server crashing problem was due to an error in the goldrush.script and oasis.script files. Both seem to be erroring on the server. But yes I did not like the fact on a full server the swap spawns it became rediculously hard, there was no vantage point to use becuase of the numbers, the space and the problem with sk only rose (while the server didn’t crash). The spawn time of 30-20 is now active in goldrush and only goldrush atm to try and give allies a decent chance at the map.

Remember it is only sk if you shoot at people in teh spawn, you may however run through to reach objective :).

Cheers BR

P.S smoke for the win, lol anyone noticed that whenever I can’t do sometihng like break past a defence I just throw 20million satchels of smoke everywhere its becuase it works 🙂 and your team can that blast though the smoke and snap em.. I just throw the smoke not the snap bit.. 🙂

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Thanx Topher – Also i still think it should be GR Ga for the door reasons more ways to get to truck and gold.

Ok there are 3 ways to got the axis area

1 – Below Truck Barrier 1
2 -Tank Barrier 2
3 – Stairs above Tank Barrier 2
4 – 2nd Floor above Tank Barrier 1

On GR Ga

There are more

(1-4 Above)

5 – Axis Mounted Gun

and if doors blown above

6 – above gold.


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My bad about the swap spawn script thing.
A few of us yesterday were on and it just seemed weird that it wasn’t there so lestat put it on for us.
Seeing as everyone is against it though we should put it back, it doesn’t really bother me which way it’s on really. The only thing with the swap spawn thing is to give axis a chance because once allies get the truck they will run away with it in seconds.


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if allies have truck barried 1 up it gives them some decent time NORMALLY to get up there and defend it anyway. THe truck can be destroyed so its not like on supply where once you have the gold you’ve basically won.

gold rush GA is a horrible, horrible map. It encourages camping and discourages 1 on 1 smg fights.

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Yeah I’m with para in that it’s an f2 from me for GA.
I’m willing to put it to a poll if you really feel that strongly fizz, but I personally think there are more against it than for it.


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Yeah ok Poll time. thanx.


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i have been trying to make a new goldy that allows new points of gold stealing .. w/o the rooftop camp’s but i am new at radiant so plz stay tuned for a new goldrush map with new access points and no overhead camp spots. said:
your a drunken idiot

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Yeah taht is a major flaw if you get that fixed that would be hectic.


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Yeah taht is a major flaw if you get that fixed that would be hectic.

well radiant is a lil bit weird … its not point n click .. but i am sure i will work it out .. and maybe even block the Undermap Bug 😛 said:
your a drunken idiot

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please dont change the best map in the history of et. Normal goldrush is perfect, GA goldrush is a cancer for the newbs who like to hide in silly little holes rather then going for the objective, and besides its made for SK and considering our server is non sk it will be fail.

Please make spawn times 30 seconds axis 20 second allies for most of the maps <3

Ulti has hacked since the down of time, and he is still mad that nobody will be his friend.

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by hillyjnr » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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There is a revamped version of original goldrush called ‘return to goldrush’; Some call it Goldrush2.
I never played it on a live server but I went through it.

I don’t remember it well but it looked quite well done.

This might be it ([url] http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefr … ile/;42531[/url]) but splatter ladder also now has entry for ‘Gold Rush 2’ which im not sure if its the same map.

Overall the original map is great and even though GA version is also fun, I would stick with the original.

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