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Inappropriate Content rules

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Omg I just did… What kind of sick F*** would do that to another person. Some people deserve far worth then death, if they do this to other people.

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I disagree blusk, there has been stuff on these forums that could get me fired from work if the wrong person happened to be walking past.

Yeah, you’re no David Kiely so you’ll most likely be fired on the spot so do the next best thing…….. turn off images but don’t worry, i’ll find some ascii images for your lolz 🙂

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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The 17+ was so BR could get in too. Kinda silly if he made it and wasn’t allowed in.

And totally no reason you can’t have porn in it. Specify that it is NSFW, Only allow guys in by request, that have been around for ages, and there’ll be no problems. Practically everyone posting in this thread aside from BR wants it. Mutiny time? :p

Average age on this forum is like, 24 or something. Everyone is over 15.

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Posts: 2007

We can’t have porn in this section due to our web hosting terms and conditions which would be in some form or another in regulatory with their law of the hosting company, and if not, if we do break their TOC they have the right to shut us down without contact which is stated in their TOC.

Cheers, BR

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F1 lets make skank’s clicky club happen.
As said before, it will still be moderated when needed but overall will allow for a more open place of speech and lols to take place.
Invite only as skank said so that way no one can say they accidentally joined or didn’t know it was 18+ etc etc.
This has WIN written all over it.


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For a Trial at least for a few weeks it is being put up and constructed now..

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I declare this thread to have ended in win.

Now, as means of celebration and for your geometrical delight, here is a picture with similar winful qualities….



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Ok, Firstly I want to say thanks to BR and everyone else that was involved in this thread and last nights vent discussion regarding inapropriate content.
The outcome is the creation and opening of Moe’s Tavern Please visit the following URL wich is located in the General Discussion Groups

Moe’s Tavern – New Group – How To Join

Come one, come all, let the good times roll 😎

Game Is For Pew Pew And Forums Is For QQ

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