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kill Disbled[FIXED]
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kill Disbled[FIXED]

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So /kill is now disabled on OZ, and “shut” is still in the swear filter..

What is going on here? Hope it is just a test.

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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

I’m glad to see /kill is gone, it always pissed me off. So aggravating to do a suicide panzer attack for absolutely nothing ‘cos some chicken arse medic has a bind that makes him vanish leaving just a pair of soiled undies, some medi-packs and a gun, good riddance to it I say. And NO I’m not any part of the reason it’s gone, I’ve never complained, just sucked it up and tried to be more cunning ‘cos cunning is all someone my age has left. Eyesight is gone, reactions are gone, strength is gone, youth is gone, hair is going…………..sigh. ๐Ÿ˜ก ๐Ÿ˜ก On the bright side I am developing these “character lines” on my face ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†


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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

good no more /kill (joker, happy, mess, blusky)

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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

Yes /kill has been disabled on the server and currently its being tested. A quick notice to all players at around 11.00 pm Saturday night the server will be going offline for Annual maintenance. It may reappear off and on over the next day or so but it will be password locked until sometime Monday to be advised. The severe lag issues, borked up configs and a few other problems have made this necessary. We ask you all bear with us during this down time and we will strive to have the server up and running better than before asap. Thank you.

Cheerz Mick.

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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

Thanks for the quick and detailed response Blackhawk. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

Don’t disable /kill

I need it to multi class when the team I’m on doesnt know obj.

+ you need /kill to cap most of the flag spawns on the oz server.

ie cap the flag /kill and defend with shield while axis are there with their shields. Its ggs ay..

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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

Don’t disable /kill

I need it to raise my k/d


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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

Don’t disable /kill

I need it to raise my k/d


/kill would still be enabled if people used it correctly instead of using it to avoid deaths and things. Like we said, for now its just a test, get over it and stop whinging about it.


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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

Yep, only really use /kill in 2 situations on pubs, to change class, or to laugh at a Panza as he shoots his load all over his foot ๐Ÿ˜†

You really do need it to quickly change to engi when u realise the guns are planted and everyone is a fieldops…….

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

good no more /kill (joker, happy, mess, blusky)


Oh damn that sucks, i guess ill have to pick up wepons on the ground everytime i run out of ammo ๐Ÿ™‚
Lol all this means is that the bad players are going to be surrounded by the pros more often xD. Sounds like some good times ahead. Meh more deaths sure but more kills too ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway guys have fun watching this backfire on you rofl ๐Ÿ˜†

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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

grrr no more /kill >.<

id hate to get stuck in a wall without any nades xP

// `’???c? is f0? ??? w?a?;; //

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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

/kill would still be enabled if people used it correctly instead of using it to avoid deaths and things.

“…and things”


– Changing class quickly
– To reach an objective faster
– To save time in reaching other destinations
– When you’re stuck (happens more often than you think – regularly when you’re stuck you can’t fire weapons so no grenades to suicide)
– For ammunition
– For health
– Grab the flag –> /kill for invulnerability
– Simply for the invulnerability if enemies are around spawn to gain an advantage

So /kill is disabled because of….

– Panzernoob getting /killed on
– Rnadenoob getting /killed on (Hard to do)
– ….?

I see one side of the argument being a little stronger. Remember it isn’t an exploit it’s part of the game – anyone can use the /kill command.

Like we said, for now its just a test, get over it and stop whinging about it.

Why is your attitude so bad? What’s wrong with constructive criticism on the topic? No one is being rude or illogical in this topic. People may raise points that the OZ admin team have overlooked. Don’t be so arrogant

half your skill is in your config

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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

– Changing class quickly (its called ‘L’ selecting new class and then DYING you know, if you value the obj or whatever that much suicide shouldnt be an issue)
– To reach an objective faster (again if you value the obj that much suicide shouldnt be an issue)
– To save time in reaching other destinations (everybody else just walks. Get over it.)
– When you’re stuck (you could ask someone to shoot you, heck if all else fails quickly disconnect and reconnect, after all you’re not worried about your killsprees at all)
– For ammunition (that’s what fieldops and ammo racks are for)
– For health (thats what medics and med racks are for)
– Grab the flag –> /kill for invulnerability (since when has invulnerability been allowed in a game?)
– Simply for the invulnerability if enemies are around spawn to gain an advantage (just suck it up and die valiantly FFS.)

So /kill is disabled because of….

/kill is disabled because of spreehuggers who sit there stroking their k/d ratios and dont REALLY care about objectives, simply using that as a defense, I dont see why you should be able to /kill before a panzer hits, its not how the game is meant to be played. Imagine if everybody /killed before you could kill them, would that make the game more fun? Maybe we should try that some time? Of course we could simply gib you as you come out of the spawn, hey you like doing it so much why not skip the faffing about and cut to the chase?


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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

– Changing class quickly (its called ‘L’ selecting new class and then DYING you know, if you value the obj or whatever that much suicide shouldnt be an issue)
Yes, but timing in an integral part of it. Obviously if you could time your death one second before spawn you have more time used efficiently. Especially in the case of ‘OMG NO ENGIES 2 DEFUSE OHNOES”.

– To reach an objective faster (again if you value the obj that much suicide shouldnt be an issue)
Once again the operative word was faster.

– To save time in reaching other destinations (everybody else just walks. Get over it.)
Everybody else has the ability to /kill themselves. Get over it.

– When you’re stuck (you could ask someone to shoot you, heck if all else fails quickly disconnect and reconnect, after all you’re not worried about your killsprees at all)
Most of us aren’t, it’s just that in certain situations you become stuck behind the geometry, leaving yourself invulnerable.

– For ammunition (that’s what fieldops and ammo racks are for)
– For health (thats what medics and med racks are for)
Convenience and in the event that the racks are depleted and there are no meds/fdops nearby.

– Grab the flag –> /kill for invulnerability (since when has invulnerability been allowed in a game?)
Why the exceedingly long spawn shield then? The point he was trying to convey was that its easier to capture forward spawns if you time it so that you spawn straight after with your team to secure the area.

– Simply for the invulnerability if enemies are around spawn to gain an advantage (just suck it up and die valiantly FFS.)
They shouldn’t be near the spawn at all should they?

Imagine if everybody /killed before you could kill them, would that make the game more fun? Maybe we should try that some time? Of course we could simply gib you as you come out of the spawn, hey you like doing it so much why not skip the faffing about and cut to the chase?
It’s like that in etpro and nobody whines. Hey, if everybody on the opposing team kills themselves then the path to the objective is cleared then isn’t it? Win-Win. If anything the ‘spreehuggers’ should welcome the disabling of /kill as it provides more victims for them does it not?

I am aware that I am a horrible player thus rendering my post unworthy of consideration but /kill has many legitimate functions. And I would like to reiterate it provides no advantage to players due to to the fact that everybody can use it even crap scrubs like me.

Sorry if my wording was off; not feeling too well.

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Re: /kill has been disabled on this server

Either way the issue will be resolved after the maintenance tomorrow and monday. We’ll see what decision is reached then.


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