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Here is a simple question…

What is the difference between you dying at the point of getting panzered between using /kill or getting vapourised??? You die in both cases but you deny the frag while using /kill because in YOUR mind set that person does not deserver the frag count; which honestly is a stupid and dishonourable way of thinkng.

You have no right to disreagrd ones frag, regardless of how its done, because in your opinion certain methods are unacceptable and nooby. Like i sad…kill the enemy before he kills you. Just because its annoying doesnt mean its not an acceptable method of getting frags…otherwise panzers would have notbeen implemetend into games.

And here is another thing…

How about when the enemies got the offending team cornered at the spawn, everyone /kill constantly so the SKers dont get fraggs from SK? I find that an unacceptable method of getting frags but do you see me /kill at every occasion i find people who want to SK me? NO because every frag counts no matter how its done or even if its due to an annoying situation. So stop making rules of what is an acceptable method to get frags. noobies will always be noobies and play in silly ways but that doesnt mean you should discourage players from getting frags just because you find their methods unaceptable.

Damn right. Everyone should stfu about whining and /killing before being panzered. All it does is make you look like an internet arsehole. If you’re going to die, what does it matter if one noobs gets an extra kill? If you’re so 1337, you should be able to kill him before he kills you. If it is such a noob way to do it, then surely you should be skilled enough to avoid dying when they shoot you with panzer.

I’m entirely with you dude. All the guys who /kill before being panzered because they’re ‘pro’ are just internet retards who want everyone else’s kills to be as low as possible.

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The Admiral no matter how skilled you are there are alot of situations where you simply cannot avoid the panzar.
Worst is where they pull it out in a 3v3 on oz.. how retarded are they?

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Lol death, you are the one who talks about honour all the time and then say its honourable to kill the enemy any way possible.
This again is just going to be a roundabout conversation.
Panzers were implemented just as /kill was. Why are you denying the use of something that is implemented in the game?
Just because you believe /kill is annoying doesn’t mean it isn’t a legitimate part of the game.
Either way you play it death, it is a matter of opinion. The thing is, having /kill is more justified than panzer noobs.
So yeah, at least I am willing to compromise in that if there is going to be a death counted for /kill, there should be the med pack script.
Until you come up with some sort of compromise then you can keep making your arguments and I will continue to poke holes in them.


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Panzers were implemented just as /kill was. Why are you denying the use of something that is implemented in the game?

Yeah, but self adren has been turned off and was part of original ET & the consensus is that it is a good thing.

FWIW I think panzers should have self kills limited to 5 and shoot med pax from then on & /kills should be unlimited. The way I look at it, if you aren’t quick enough to get someone with the panzer before they /kill then you don’t deserve the kill.


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If only there was a cvar to delay /kill to the same time it needs a panzer to be primed then we’ll all have a leveled playing field.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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If only there was a cvar to delay /kill to the same time it needs a panzer to be primed then we’ll all have a leveled playing field.

That is seriously the best suggestion I have heard on this matter. Too bad it no exists eh?


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in savage when you /kill there is a 4 second delay and it tells everyone “blah is suiciding in 4 seconds” so i am sure it would be in the etpub code somewhere to make the same kind of delay?

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in savage when you /kill there is a 4 second delay and it tells everyone “blah is suiciding in 4 seconds” so i am sure it would be in the etpub code somewhere to make the same kind of delay?

That is just silly.

half your skill is in your config

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I need to be able to /kill instantly

Oasis dyna gets planted.. oh no one of the guns is about to blow but we’re still at the old city. I mash the m button and it spawns me rear spawn as engie and I defuse.

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Yeah the time limit self kill is kind of defeating the purpose.
As noob pointed out though, adren was taken out of the game, perhaps we should bring it back to counteract the panzers*? I wouldn’t /kill on panzers if I had adren, you practically never die unless they get a body shot on you ๐Ÿ™‚


*I am completely against this but I use it as a devils advocate argument

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Yeah the time limit self kill is kind of defeating the purpose.
As noob pointed out though, adren was taken out of the game, perhaps we should bring it back to counteract the panzers*? I wouldn’t /kill on panzers if I had adren, you practically never die unless they get a body shot on you ๐Ÿ™‚


*I am completely against this but I use it as a devils advocate argument

Ahhhh the truth comes out. You just hate being killed by panzer because you know you cant avoid getting killed by it…aspecially by some noob who fires it around the corner. TOUGH LUCK old cookie ๐Ÿ˜› .

There is no difference between getting killed by panzer or /kill…you still die either way but the frag should be awarded to the killer no matter how. Perhaps I should start /killing on every occasion? I dont like getting killed by panzer…i dont like getting killed by smg…by grenades…by arty….blaaa blaaa blaaaa stop complaing on how one gets killed and start playing the game…its come to the point where people want to make changes to SUIT THEIR beleives and gameplay. Look how many changes were made because ppl QQ so much…now people /kill because they ahte getting killed by noobie panzers….pathetic excuses TBH.

Less QQ and more PewPew.
k thnx bye.


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Umm what? Did you not read my other posts where I specifically said something along the lines of, IF YOU PANZER YOUR FEET YOU DESERVE TO BE /KILLED ON?
Seriously death, lrn2read.
*sigh* I used to stick up for you when you got called ignorant etc by others but I can start to see I might have been wrong.
Should we all just put on aimbots so that we kill everyone in 3 clicks? Hey, it still takes more skill than panzer because we need to click 3 times rather than just one right?
You are the one who wants to change the game to suit YOUR beliefs. /kill was created in the game, so it should be used just like your stupid panzer is used in the game. Get a grip death, honestly, you again do not address anything in my previous posts and just post random rubbish.
You are the QQer trying to get rid of /kill because it stops your pathetic panzering attempts.
Panzer noob, try a real gun.


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Death don’t /kill on smg fights – thats pathetic.

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Death is no slouch with the smg.
Matter of fact he’s right up there with the best of them.
And he revives.

Only thing holding him back at present is lack of broadband.

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