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Light Weapon change…
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Light Weapon change suggestion

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ET is old and easy

I propose we make aiming at least require you to move your mouse again.

– Lock light weapons at level 1 or 2
– cvar lock damagekick to 1 (my poor sniper :()
– If you’re feeling fresh add a bit of damage knockback

Any thoughts or alternate ideas?


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Maybe a new skins pack?

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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I like the damagekick suggestion

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I like the damagekick suggestion

and the lvl 1 or 2 light weap lock thats sounds good

Ulti has hacked since the down of time, and he is still mad that nobody will be his friend.

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I like the damagekick suggestion

and the lvl 1 or 2 light weap lock thats sounds good

Darn it, I intended to do that in my cvar alteration Post (the cg_Damagekick 1 Force on).

It is now enabled and I will post it in my other thread as well, we are just trialing it for now to see how it goes.

Regards, BR

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Taking one for the team here, indoor snipe will be much less effective.

What are your thoughts on capping the light weapons level BR?

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Taking one for the team here, indoor snipe will be much less effective.

What are your thoughts on capping the light weapons level BR?

Does anyone have a link to the actual difference between the level of battle sense and their effect on weapons/norma player ability e.t.c as I’d like an accurate reference to refer too.

Another suggestions was to make it so that level 4 battle sense can’t see mines normally, since it makes coverts sort of redundant unless sneaking back doors.

Regards, BR

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Here you go – [url] … ry/Ranking[/url]

This is what level 3 light weapons gives you and what I propose we remove –
Improved Light Weapon Handling: SMG spread is reduced by 35% while Pistol recoil is halved.

I’m not sure if removing the ability to see mines would be ideal. Engineers have learnt to place them in unavoidable places.. and I still find myself dieing to them sometimes ๐Ÿ˜€

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Taking one for the team here, indoor snipe will be much less effective


But my undeployed MG face smasher will still be okay, right?…… right??!


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Great ideas Mess. That damagekick change will ruin your epic sniper skills though ๐Ÿ˜€

Im not sure the recoil adjustment will have any effect as every second player seems to have no recoil. :<

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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Great ideas Mess. That damagekick change will ruin your epic sniper skills though ๐Ÿ˜€

Im not sure the recoil adjustment will have any effect as every second player seems to have no recoil. :<

— Unrelated note to this topic cg_damagekick 1 was forced last night trial has started with it activated.

Read this it’s worth it, if you ask a Q that is answered in this post I’ll ingore it/delete it ๐Ÿ™‚

While on the topic of fixing some of the classes once again this issue popped up medics…. Ok here me out before you say no..

Medic Ammo: Medics receive an extra ammunition clip and grenade with their basic weapon load-out.
Improved Resources: 2 syringes extra max ammo, 2 extra on spawn plus Medic pack only takes 15% Power Bar instead of 25%
Full Revive: These new green syringes resurrect a teammate at full, rather than half, health.
Adrenaline Self: Pressing the Special Weapons 1 Key (5 by default) will allow a player to inject him or herself with adrenaline. Damage is halved for ten seconds, and the stamina meter will not decrease at all, even when sprinting.

See all the advantages of being a medic (at level 4 assumption)

– Normally have higher base health + 25 i think..
– Nice amount of ammo to go out and start killing
– Can heal themselves
– Regenreate health even if meter is empty

Now I also then realised hey think about it, if your going an smg damage class then why choose any other class and that’s exactly right. Medics are the close range, SMG class.

– VS Soldier (Soldiers stand back and POW Click at them to mow them down.
– Vs a Covert Ops (you shuldn’t be in 1v1 fights you should be sneaking around, backstabbing, usign your satchel for kills)
– Vs a Field Ops (A big support class, should be mainly puttin gout his artillery has huge range and damage)
– Vs a Engineer (Shouldn’t really be in 1v1 fights either.., can have a grenade launcher that bounces off objects.., can use mines to sneak kill, should be relying on medics to get them through enemies.)

So I went back to the drawing board why are so many pro kents going Medic and then besides the reason that people like playing smg… *sif*, I realised that what is the advantage of playing Soldier on our server, I came up with the follwing:

Legend + = good – = bad (like pro and con)

+Panzer = Good enemy smasher
+MG42 = Good enemy smasher (can do headshots now too)
– Flamer = too short distance & too many long distance shooters making it a bad weapon choice thus why dmg increased, but still
-/+Mortar = Only good if you can use it but it’s always been the case.
– SMG = why people still do this in their first slot befuddles me.


+Satchel = Does good dmg, kills enemies/groups quick
+Steal Uniforms = Can be sneaky!
+Instant Back stab kill = Makes knife/uniform covert good combo
-Smoke = Its just not used enough to be effective (however u NOW GET XP FOR USING IT CONSTRUCTIVELY)
+Sniper = Far away snap kill!!
+FG42 = Close range slaughter
+Sten = Very accurate weapon (but its almost innefective when u have level 3 or > light weps Vs)


+Grenade Launcher is well powered, can kill medics even one hit if it’s direct
+SMG – not the best combo
+Flak Jacket – can avoid panzer shots it won’t kill them one hit.
-Rambo Launchers… Just deciding to camp/lean with it, not doing objective.
-No incentive to do OBJ it seems…. (got to fix this need greater incentive with XP save there isn’t much).
-Mines are detectable by everyone.. I find this bit lame, thus why not many engineers plant mines ( i know some still do though in hard places, but it’s only becuase peopel know they can see it and are even less careful, remember the good old days when you’d just stop jump stop to see if there was a mine so u would defuse it. Now U have rambo meds juts run through them to clear them and just to the right or left to avoid dying then self heal (THATS NOT UR ROLE MEDICS GTFO).

Field Ops:

+Have airstrike/artillary at decent reset time so they can get some nice possibilities of blocking pathways, scaring off enemies, getting kills.
– Bit squishy but not too bad
+Gives out ammo, when you die it gives ammo too ๐Ÿ˜›

Note: Overall this class is still pretty similar xpsave or not just stronger arty strikes tbh, so it’s not broken imo.


1. Restriction to level 3 Light weapons

The solution to enemies being picked off 1000 meters away by an SMG is becuase of level 3 Light weapons issue it will give other classes back there rightful playing styles if we restrict this. It’s ok without xpsave becuase not everyone will have it, but when you have all medics getting this it causes a problem, they have streamlined aim, bonus health, self heal + bit of extra ammo. Why go any other class.. Not sure if mess realised the amount of problems this fixes but it fixes a lot of issues where smg is just smashing from epic distances. Will fix the – for flamer a little too, being hit less before going into a bunch of enemies with flamer means more time for FLAMER to spray around before he dies and even get closer to enemies.

2. Trap Awareness – level 4 battle sense.

See it’s funny this si the description – Unless you’re a Covert Ops, you won’t be able to spot them for your team-mates. But realistically WHO THE FECK cares, when EVERY TEAMMATES HAS IT ANYWAY! So my next burn to the face is doing that exactly, removing this! – If this proves to be too difficult to implement the damage of Mines will be upped slightly (although the original option would be ideal). This will also fix teh fact that engineers will actualyl defuse and coverts will actually bother spotting bring back some real teamwork gameplay.

3. Winning Team gets 500XP!

Now I’m not sure where I would shove this XP, maybe to battle sense? or maybe less XP even 200XP say. or 100XP or 50, i’m not sure just yet. This is more incentive to winning the map:). Maybe losing team loses XP eh.. ๐Ÿ˜› Unless anyone else has some other suggestion.. why would people want to win the maps usually does it do anything, maybe I won’t implement this..

4. Fixing the end scoreboard

It’s a bit stuffed with XPSAVE and no server has ever fixed with XPSAVE, so why not let us fix it :). So it detects how much XP FOR THAT MAP the people got instead of how much XP ALL TIME. If we do this we might not even worry about no.3 solution as well as it would grant people correct stats for msot experience (engineers can exerpeince very fast if doing objective), and it would actually say who the best soldier is e.t.c too). Highest fragger and accuracy already work. I also want to inject a new line into that end of game scoreboard which is most revives!

These fixes would take time to code obviously, especially the last one is no small fix from first looking at it, but I think it would make a big difference to gamestyle play + teamwork and + overall fun.

Regards, BR

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Good work BR. Any chance you can force cvar for default recoil(Dont know what the cmd is) to stop those guys running a no recoil script?

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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i didnt know you could turn recoil off, i thoughtthat was all a part of damage kick

Also, can the FG42 get a spread reduction? Cos anything that isnt point black half your bullets miss, and it does hardly any damage as it is

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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Good work BR. Any chance you can force cvar for default recoil(Dont know what the cmd is) to stop those guys running a no recoil script?

To be honest, I just found in the very bottom of the config nearly a little command that affects damagekick kick value. Basically it’s a standard ET command, but it’s et to LOWER THAN HALF of that to normal ET on our server. I didn’t realise this until just now. But this should also help I have ajdusted it to Clanbase 5v5 Settings. Let me know how it handles on the server. This setting has been like this for like 4 years.. it even had a commen next to it from a previous admin we don’t even have anymore! WOW!

i didnt know you could turn recoil off, i thoughtthat was all a part of damage kick

Also, can the FG42 get a spread reduction? Cos anything that isnt point black half your bullets miss, and it does hardly any damage as it is

I’ll do some more testing today, but I thought that FG42 Did considerable damage as it was..

Regards, BR

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Ok also, thers a lot of people Good/Bad players, even Aimbotter like “such as myself I might add..”, get 25+ health, this actually scews up the normal 3 headhots to kill taking extra long to kill. I can remove that so that damage becomes normal again for all classes, even saying that, Medics still there HP boost though :).

I think i would fix a lot problems like “Medics need 5 hs to die occassionally” even though it’s max 4 from memory.

Regards, BR!

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