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Light Weapon change…
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Light Weapon change suggestion

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Posts: 2007

Just found it it’s level 3 battlel sense -> Improved Health: Increases your maximum HP by 30 points.

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very nice, well thought out, and will bring back the team play and spirit of the old days.
hmm locked at 3 light weapons, is it 4 that give akimbo pistols? if so is it possible to make them given at 3?

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Posts: 2007

very nice, well thought out, and will bring back the team play and spirit of the old days.
hmm locked at 3 light weapons, is it 4 that give akimbo pistols? if so is it possible to make them given at 3?

That’s what I meant and thus why it’s not as easy I initially thought to implement in our etpub code revision.

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cg_damagekick please!

PLEASE turn this option back on.

Make’s ET 1000 times more annoying to play.

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Posts: 2007

Level 3 Light weapons is now de-activated – the bonus.
Level 3 battle sense = Bonus HP is now removed. (Also MG42 damage increased by one), this will now allow for 3 HS kill on every class with SMG as it should.

More Fixes to Come!

Regards, BR

Eminent Member
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Re: cg_damagekick please!

agreed ^^, getting pwned out there


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Re: cg_damagekick please!

PLEASE turn this option back on.

Make’s ET 1000 times more annoying to play.

Play it like the game is meant to be played, if you didn’t know it is currently on TRIAL! so suck it up, and after a week or 2 it will be debated upon, even then you will be getting used to it and won’t even notice it’s there.

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Re: cg_damagekick please!

There is a whole thread, I’m going to merge these posts into it. Please read it before posting more because it covers a lot of questions you may have.

Noble Member
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Awesome work BR, Also, I rkn leave akimbos off and only have single pistol, that would sort the men from the boys ๐Ÿ˜Ž

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 1710

Awesome work BR, Also, I rkn leave akimbos off and only have single pistol, that would sort the men from the boys ๐Ÿ˜Ž

^ what he said

Also, is there any way to de-limit teh speed in which you can shoot the pistol? Cos i know its maxxed to something, but i tihnk it would be a cool trial to have it like CSS or CoD where the only thing limiting how fast you can shoot, is how fast you can click.

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

Noble Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1380

Awesome work BR, Also, I rkn leave akimbos off and only have single pistol, that would sort the men from the boys ๐Ÿ˜Ž

^ what he said

Also, is there any way to de-limit teh speed in which you can shoot the pistol? Cos i know its maxxed to something, but i tihnk it would be a cool trial to have it like CSS or CoD where the only thing limiting how fast you can shoot, is how fast you can click.

@ G – yes. Gnomey wisdom prevails again.

@ joek – wouldn’t that be susceptable for dodgey binds then? I know years ago you could bind akimbos to go off like a frog in a sock. Think that got nerfed though.


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@ joek – wouldn’t that be susceptable for dodgey binds then? I know years ago you could bind akimbos to go off like a frog in a sock. Think that got nerfed though.

The akimbo hack was killed off years ago.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Bring Adren Back for a week ๐Ÿ˜›

Estimable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 104

Re: cg_damagekick please!

PLEASE turn this option back on.

Make’s ET 1000 times more annoying to play.

Play it like the game is meant to be played, if you didn’t know it is currently on TRIAL! so suck it up, and after a week or 2 it will be debated upon, even then you will be getting used to it and won’t even notice it’s there.

Lol you Most likey have the bigest CFG out there !

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2007

It really shouldn’t matter what your CFG has in it currently. Everybody has the same settings currently. Before I found it personally to be unfair, only those who knew of the cvar disabled it. It’s like disabling any sort of kick when your getting hit, puting you at an advantage. There were those who didn’t know who played with it on. At the moment it is true that it is only still a trial, however, normal ET and every other server out there has it enabled. Not sure why it was disabled in the first place. But if you could turn recoil off but the guy beside you didn’t know how to would that be fair?

The other argument which was presented to me last night was that it’s hte same as kill…. It’s not anything like kill at all. kill can be used by every player, every player knows about it and it’s used on EVERY SINGLE SERVER, it’s also used in every competition as a MAIN skill. We were the only server to have damage kick aloud to be toggled just about, and not many people even knew about it. I admit also this was partially my fault, as my no lag config a few years ago had this disabled.

The final argument is that “pro players will be more pro”… I can’t stress more how NOT THE CASE this is. If you fire at a pro player first, then they have there screen shaking, and it throws off there aim, already I’ve seen lower skilled players in comparison to the usual “pro player” get kills off them, becuase they have got the first hit on. If you don’t think you can 1v1 with SMG, hide and get sneaky shots on them rendering them useless and then you can finish them off, or even play the other classes now that the classes have been balanced A LOT MORE OUT!

@Medics, they are not nerfed, they are simply put in respective with all the other classes, all the classes do not benefit from the bonus 15 hp form level 3 battle sense. This means, that medics can be killed by 3 headshots normally now.

@Panzers, This a working progress, however limiting it to 4 shots being self kills in one map renders it useless to you for hte rest of the map. You may think that I’m doing this to nerf panzers… but In fact I’m doing the opposite. If your a team of 3 guys running around the back of an area and a team battle commences, the most useless thing to do, is to fire it at your feet and most likely either a. hit noone or get only one other person. The panzerfaust is a HUGE damage weapon with a decent size radius, use it correctly and you could of wiped out all 3 of the enemy team with one shot. This also was leading to tking… (not deliberate but annoying), I’d like to think of it as a real life war.. would you run the biggest weapon you carry FRONT LINE and just smash it down at your feet… I don’t think so. You’d find a high point or through a window and fire it out of sight of others. If people start using it correctly it might help not letting teams get camped in so much that have a panzer, Since panzer can do serious damage do the other team if it is used correctly.

Regards, BR

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