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Make xp save permanent for only 1 day etc

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When will you guys learn, buffing one thing will only lead to complaining/whinging about something else.

Revert everything back to default and have the even playing field.

The point of having XP save is to reward those hardcore fanbois with extra stats gained with spending too much time on the server not by constantly adjusting weapons stats every now and then after a few cries.


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When will you guys learn, buffing one thing will only lead to complaining/whinging about something else.

Revert everything back to default and have the even playing field.

The point of having XP save is to reward those hardcore fanbois with extra stats gained with spending too much time on the server not by constantly adjusting weapons stats every now and then after a few cries.


the only problem with that is flack jacket and some other things

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What’s wrong with flak jacket?

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not whats wrong with it because everyone has max skills explosives are ineffective

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not whats wrong with it because everyone has max skills explosives are ineffective

wrong … unless the cvar allows carry over.. only class allowed flak is eng … unless u set carry over .. then all classes have flak.. mine spot,dren ect .. and i think this is not enabled? max xp does not mean nothing .. much .. but carry over does.

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ahh if ur right then how can a medic survive 3 landmines =/

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Ive seen this happen before and I see it happen again…

People complain about one thing…then its changed…then they complain that another thing is wrong (because of fixing the first thing). Like nelots said…people just want one class fixed to suit themself but forget the impact it will have on the rest of the gameplay.

Easiest fix is to go back and reset everything with a slight increase in spawn invulnerability (4-5sec) AND XP reset after 8hours or after 2-3 rotations.

People all have max achievements and there is no point in this what-so-ever. These rewards should be there and to make people CHOOSE a particular class and stick with it…make the rewards harder to obtain (it worked on OGN/Internode). People actually stuck with a class and did what was required rather than max out all classes, go rambo med and frag like its raining bullets since 1999. Also dont include adren; because of the wide range of gameplay level adren/rambo/good smg people will make it worse for the rest.

Sure limit classes the ay they have been but for those classes that can spam items decrease the charge time.

I’ve played on GA recently and I got to say that going back to original settings has ctually a good gameplay.
People whine about not getting their stars and rewards but what is the use of them when everyone has XP over 9000+ (not to mention ppl with over 100K). If people are “forced” to choose a class and gain rewards for being there…then there will be a variety of players with various rewards and less spam/overkill.

The more things are changed the more things people find faults with other things AND the more things have to be changed again!

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+1 to Death. ILY sexy.

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ahh if ur right then how can a medic survive 3 landmines =/


g_dmgLandmine [integer]

Amount of damage done by a landmine

Default is 250

is set to less than default?

or g_skills is set to 2 ?

players with level 4 engineering can keep the flak jacket for other classes

med + flak + dren = True Rambo med ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†

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simple just up sten, lower charge timer by 2 sec on medics,only engi gets flak jacket,f ops arti time between shots should be upped by 2 sec(i can fire it time after time really(2-3 sec between end and new arti)),fix spawn shield to be set to a area where if ur in there u have it(if u just spawned for the first 3 sec or when ur standing in it while not moving/shooting),disallow medics to use there own medpacks(gota hate camping meds over anything els they just stand there in a corner with a billion med packs and they just wont die)

anything els? (but say default everything as et is supposed to be a fast paced game not some slow chess game(aka 30 sec recharge timers))

Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons!

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simple just up sten, lower charge timer by 2 sec on medics,only engi gets flak jacket,f ops arti time between shots should be upped by 2 sec(i can fire it time after time really(2-3 sec between end and new arti)),fix spawn shield to be set to a area where if ur in there u have it(if u just spawned for the first 3 sec or when ur standing in it while not moving/shooting),disallow medics to use there own medpacks(gota hate camping meds over anything els they just stand there in a corner with a billion med packs and they just wont die)

anything els? (but say default everything as et is supposed to be a fast paced game not some slow chess game(aka 30 sec recharge timers))

i like it all except the meds not able to pack them selfs just put the change down

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Medics can’t survive 3 landmines.

half your skill is in your config

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Flak jacket doesnt carry accross to the other classes, just like you can only spot enemies in disguise as a maxed feildy.

Dont mess with the settings, default everything and maybe up the spawn sheild for the scardy cats.

If it aint broke, dont fix it!!!!

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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nuu not default et is supposed to be a fast paced game that oz makes it faster is why(at the start of the server anyway) people came here as back then we had a good config all balanced no one whining(adrin plus double panzer :P) bout anything except that bots headshot us to often ๐Ÿ™‚

Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons!

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