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Ooo forgot to mention a good map I like too is sos secret weapon.


Reputable Member
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Posts: 249

omg y duz every1 like warbell???? LOL its friggn awful haha password is a great map though.
Take out oasis, that gets boring afta 2mins. Its good to bring it bak now and then for nostalgia but its been playd 2 death!! shld brin g in baserace for a while 😀 😀 thats always a gd luff. sum of the more ‘pro’ gamers mite not like that suggestion tho…

im so drunk rite now…got blood all ova my pants n i dont know y….i dont think its mine… :s :s

Prominent Member
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omg y duz every1 like warbell???? LOL its friggn awful haha password is a great map though.

It’s an Axis Attack map and there arent many that have prooven to be popular. The scenario is quite good and gameplay is linear although actually moving around the castle can get you lost if you dont know the map. Phat and I used to love that map as Axis..aspecially the caverns run and back exit down the stairs…double adren medic rush was awesome LOLs. If you can find another Axis Attack map that can be good then swap it, otherwise leave it as the rotation sure needs at least one map that swaps the team around.

Take out oasis, that gets boring afta 2mins.

The rotation should have variety and offer maps for everyone. Few originals, few customs, few trials is a good balance for all IMO. Plus Oasis is one of those maps that never gets boring with mega-choke point fighting fun and its a classis.

Well here are few custom maps that I offer to give a go.

Industry 2 —> [url] http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefr … ile/;42210[/url]

ROP River —> [url] http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefr … ile/;35147[/url]

Artic Gun —> [url] http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefr … ile/;99960[/url]

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im so drunk rite now…got blood all ova my pants n i dont know y….i dont think its mine… :s :s

lol wtf.

I just hate downloading 15MB maps then everyone hates them….Which has happened every single month with the old admins. There was always 2-3 BAD maps.

half your skill is in your config

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Those that say oasis and SD should be removed are off their chops. 2 of the best maps in ET history.

Im also a big fan of secret weapon. Id also love to see normal radar make a comeback.

IMO, only have 2 maps that change monthly and leave the classics as is.

by hillyjnr » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

Noble Member
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Should only have big open maps on rotation to force everyone to upgrade their boxes.
Then when they do upgrade shift the rotation back to small mostly indoor maps for the obligatory Nelson Munts – Ha HAAAAA!

You should try that new map C2_missile beta 2.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Since the rotation(i put this into play) worked so well this time round (Myself & Joker being the map team) i have suggested it to joker that we change only 3 map’s waiting for him to respond on that one.For this month the map i have personally chosen is Nightcrawlers.If we put Radar on we have to get Jim’s Mowing in (add to the cfg to remove grass & fog for that matter) and i am gonna check out and upload the map’s we don’t have that have been suggested 🙂 said:
your a drunken idiot

Member Admin
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Posts: 2007

Should only have big open maps on rotation to force everyone to upgrade their boxes.
Then when they do upgrade shift the rotation back to small mostly indoor maps for the obligatory Nelson Munts – Ha HAAAAA!

You should try that new map C2_missile beta 2.

Im with Nelots, I personally would love to see a really new map into play.. Aslong as its under 20/25 mb.

Kind Regards, BR

Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2047

^Lol, you’ll run out of choices after 1month since new maps come out like 1new map per 1-3yrs!!!

P.S – C2_missile b2 should be around 7mb.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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