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Remove fear and have /kill end spree

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Most of those settings you mentioned death can be changed via a GUI in ET. Heck you even choose your gamma settings when you create your ET profile for the first time. .

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If you say that you do not exploit the game mechanics then your config should be as bare as a babys bottom (i.e. default). One exploint that alot of players do is to turn off arty/airstrike explosions when they hit so they can see through…heck I do it as well but its not because so I can see through and kill, its because so that the game runs smoother and doesnt clutter up (this was a result of too much arty/airstrke back on Internode days). So in effect you are exploiting the game mechanics within setings to benefit you.

So it’s ok for you to do it but everyone else who does is exploiting the game mechanics?

Everyone exploits the configs; Some changes can be deemed as cheating and others as merely removing annoyances from the game. I can bet any money that any advanced players will have exploited these commands in their config:
cg_muzzleFlash – cl_maxpackets – cl_mouseAccel – cg_autoswitch – cg_wolfparticles – m_pitch – m_yaw – cg_drawGun – rate – snaps – cg_autoReload – r_fastsky – r_drawSun – r_dynamiclight – r_gamma – cg_shadows – cg_brassTime – cg_marktime – cg_showblood – cg_bloodFlash – cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch – cg_complaintPopUp – cl_timeNudge – g_disableComplaints – cg_zoomfov – cg_fov – cg_weaponCycleDelay

Almost all of the above settings can be changed via the in-game options.
First you mention that people should use default configs so they dont exploit the game mechanics but at the same time the default settings also alters the above cvars which you class as an exploit…………

Warping when my ping is stable….and it was last night later on when it died down. I had lagometer on screen and no peaking at all while having a dog fight with some of the axis players and they were going in and out of phase. Just because im on dialup doesnt mean this is causing every issue…having dialup basically magnifies the issues so its a different perspective. Something was suss but I know it wasnt my connection at certain times.

The lag won’t be felt at your end since anti-lag will predict movements and etc. The problem with dialup users is that they warp and everyone knows that warping players are harder to hit due to the fact that what you’re seeing isn’t where the player is.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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@Messenjah & Nelots

People make these changes to adjust their gameplay but the more experience you have the more you will do to find the ‘edge’ over other rivals…this may include making config changes that would fall on the “naughty” side. I never implied that people HAVE to play with default and sif all of the examples I gave CAN be changed via the in-game options… get real and look through these examples carefully!

It is exploiting the game to both suit your gamestyle and get the ‘edge’ over other players. Anyone recall Ultis (i think it was him) 180 auto-spin script? There are tons of ways you can exploit the way you play the game, wether be cvar, connection, gameplay or even physical appearance. One common exploit is to remove the weapon from screen and its most effective with the bulky fg42….and sif (once again) you could do that via the in-game options.

Players will exploit the default gameplay in any way possible, and /kill is just another method..wether be applied to the middle mouse button or the ‘k’ button.

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@death, those are two screenshots of the in-game settings that players are able to change.

As you can see most of the settings you mentioned as exploits are adjustable via the in-game settings.
Ie: muzzleflash, autoswitch, wolfparticles, rate, snaps, autoreload, fastsky, drawsun, dynamiclights, gamma, shadows, brasstime, marktime, showblood, bloodflash, complaintpopup, disablecomplaints, fov, zoomfov.
I cant even believe you would mention drawgun as an exploit either.

Your notion of assuming players are exploiting the game to suit their gamestyle is somewhat askewed as thats like saying people who adjust their mouse settings is also exploiting the game. One thing you need to understand is that these are settings, they are made so people can adjust them to their own preference.
If a player makes changes within the allowed range then its perfectly legal, its only the ones who go beyond the allowable range of settings thats exploiting the game.

Scripts on the other hand is another can of beans that everyone can pretty much make their own minds up about through common sense.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Dialup. Stop posting, please.

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Players will exploit the default gameplay in any way possible, and /kill is just another method..wether be applied to the middle mouse button or the ‘k’ button.

/bind k kill is from RTCW. Its justified by the story line – Cyanide pills ftw.

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I have a totally different understanding of ‘exploit’ than you guys have; I even supplied you with the definition of it.
You simply make the adjustments which have a beneficial factor to your gaming style and performance. Some adjustments are deemed ok but others can be inapropiate to say the least.

By default /kill used to be button ‘k’ from memory but players began to ‘exploit’ it and set it to their mouse settings, thus reducing the possible time it takes to activate it and further reducing the risk of say not spawning before timer runs out. This is a simple exploit of the original configuration.

I think we have mixed up our definition of word ‘exploit’.

As for the images…what version and Mod are they? Looks like ETPro to me rather than ETMain or some previous version. From memory these kinda settings were not in the previous versions or other mods hence players who updated these Mods knew that these are the general ‘exploit’ methods that players take into account.

FG42 (no gun to be shown) is the perfect example of exploiting the game. That weapon is huge and takes up alot of screen. Players remove that weapon from screen so that they can see the right hand side for possible target in the far (for example)….now how is that NOT exploiting the game?

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I have a totally different understanding of ‘exploit’ than you guys have; I even supplied you with the definition of it.
You simply make the adjustments which have a beneficial factor to your gaming style and performance. Some adjustments are deemed ok but others can be inapropiate to say the least.

But the things you mentioned as ‘exploits’ are actually in-game options that are allowed to be adjusted to a players personal preference. In reference to gaming its only an exploit if the changes are made to bugs in game.

By default /kill used to be button ‘k’ from memory but players began to ‘exploit’ it and set it to their mouse settings, thus reducing the possible time it takes to activate it and further reducing the risk of say not spawning before timer runs out. This is a simple exploit of the original configuration.

If you again go through the in-game settings theres a section where you can redefine keys. Binding a different key to an action is not an exploit, its an in-game option.

I think we have mixed up our definition of word ‘exploit’.

No, its more like you have no idea since you’re trying to say that adjusting legal in-game settings is exploiting the game.

As for the images…what version and Mod are they? Looks like ETPro to me rather than ETMain or some previous version. From memory these kinda settings were not in the previous versions or other mods hence players who updated these Mods knew that these are the general ‘exploit’ methods that players take into account.

Screenshot 1 is from etmain, version 2.60b Aug 2006 or something and screenshot 2 is from Etpub mod, think it was a Aug 08 version.

FG42 (no gun to be shown) is the perfect example of exploiting the game. That weapon is huge and takes up alot of screen. Players remove that weapon from screen so that they can see the right hand side for possible target in the far (for example)….now how is that NOT exploiting the game?

Again, in-game setting in etmain and etpub both have a setting for drawgun to be on or off.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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In-game options or not…exploiting is a way of making changes to the way you play the game to benefit you. People have exploited the game by making other mods such as ETPub and ETPro. It’s not a bad thing but if people would not exploit the game then the game itself would not have been better.

Everyone exploits this game to some degree. Simple.

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You really just don’t get it do you…

half your skill is in your config

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In-game options or not…exploiting is a way of making changes to the way you play the game to benefit you. People have exploited the game by making other mods such as ETPub and ETPro. It’s not a bad thing but if people would not exploit the game then the game itself would not have been better.

Everyone exploits this game to some degree. Simple.

You obviously have no idea about game exploits so please stop posting your jibba jabba or Mr T will BRING ON THE PAIN!!!

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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You really just don’t get it do you…

If I have to repeat myself 50gazillion times then who is not getting what? I get what others are on about but it seems that others cant consider to take my argument…wether its just pure misunderstanding or being oblivious is another matter.

Just look up the definiton of ‘exploit’ from various sources. Perhaps I should have used the word ‘changes’ or even ‘adjustments’…maybe then it would have been more clearer for others. The options are there to make the changes/adjustments…you do that and you are exploiting the way you play the game or the way the game plays; is this so hard for some people to understand?

๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜•

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You really just don’t get it do you…

If I have to repeat myself 50gazillion times then who is not getting what? I get what others are on about but it seems that others cant consider to take my argument…wether its just pure misunderstanding or being oblivious is another matter.

Just look up the definiton of ‘exploit’ from various sources. Perhaps I should have used the word ‘changes’ or even ‘adjustments’…maybe then it would have been more clearer for others. The options are there to make the changes/adjustments…you do that and you are exploiting the way you play the game or the way the game plays; is this so hard for some people to understand?

๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜•

Death you’re not applying the words definition to the subject matter. You fail to realize that in game options are not exploits, sometimes you don’t just take definitions literally but you have to make adjustments in context with the subject matter.

See what I did there??? I exploited the definition!

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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You really just don’t get it do you…

If I have to repeat myself 50gazillion times then who is not getting what? I get what others are on about but it seems that others cant consider to take my argument…wether its just pure misunderstanding or being oblivious is another matter.

Just look up the definiton of ‘exploit’ from various sources. Perhaps I should have used the word ‘changes’ or even ‘adjustments’…maybe then it would have been more clearer for others. The options are there to make the changes/adjustments…you do that and you are exploiting the way you play the game or the way the game plays; is this so hard for some people to understand?

๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜•

Death you’re not applying the words definition to the subject matter. You fail to realize that in game options are not exploits, sometimes you don’t just take definitions literally but you have to make adjustments in context with the subject matter.

See what I did there??? I exploited the definition!

The subject and the context by which I applied this word (exploit) fit well together and make sense…its the people who make the wrong assumptions and misinterpret the information. I even explained myself so that it would be understood yet people still failed to recognise my argument and continue to skew the topic in the wrong direction.

If we go back to the /kill topic then by default this is used when pressing ‘k’…people change this setting (i.e make changes/adjustment /exploit) so that it can be used with less time loss than you would if you had to drift your finger across the keyboard and press ‘k’. It can be called adjustment/change/exploit but the word ‘exploit’ is more reasonable to use since it also informs you of the impact that such a change has…where as if you said change/adjustment it doest really give an idea what kind of impact this had on the game for example.

Its funny cos it all goes back to how people understand context/definitions/words used in arguments/situations/discussions. I think we hav discussed this topic far enough ๐Ÿ™‚

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Definition of exploit in a gaming context…

Exploit: Mostly used about multi-player games, an exploit can be defined as a case where a player knowingly
uses a flaw in a game to gain an unfair advantage. In many concrete cases, it can be difficult to distinguish between
cheats, exploits, and players who optimize their strategies for playing.

Optimizing/tweaking your configuration within the legal said game boundaries is not exploitation fullstop.


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