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We have a new Rotation on the server
They are as Follows:


I hope you all enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚
If there are any problems please bring to the attention of the admin so it can be fixed..
I will be MIA for a couple of weeks

As blusky mentioned in the other thread, fueldump and venice maps are bad.
IMO having frostbite and ET_Ice on the same rotation is a bit too much since both maps are similar in game play and correct me if I’m wrong but supplydepot isnt on the rotation.
If youre going to add supplydepot use supplydepot2 final map.

So if you guys take out ET_Ice, Fueldump, Venice and replace them with braundorf, special delivery and add supply2 itll be a sweet rotation.

Discuss and instead of locking the threads why not just delete the idiot posts?

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Re: Rotation


Oasis = Fine
Goldrush = Fine, maybe replace with that fun one….with the extra ledges/doors and stuff
Caen2 = Replace with braundorf
Supplydepot = Fine
Frostbite = Fine
Fueldump(BAD MAP) = Replace with adlernest
Et_Ice = Replace with bremen
Reactor_Final = Replace with TC Base
Venice_tcrc2_v1(BAD MAP) = Replace with special delivery

Along with those changes other maps that could be added are – password, karsiah and TC base.

I don’t know why you have maps in the rotation that people OFTEN want skipped (stalingrad,resurrection, fuel dump, rail gun.) obviously they aren’t wanted by most.

Let me do the rotation :~)

half your skill is in your config

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Re: Rotation


Oasis = Fine
Goldrush = Fine, maybe replace with that fun one….with the extra ledges/doors and stuff
Caen2 = Replace with braundorf
Supplydepot = Fine
Frostbite = Fine
Fueldump(BAD MAP) = Replace with adlernest
Et_Ice = Replace with bremen
Reactor_Final = Replace with TC Base
Venice_tcrc2_v1(BAD MAP) = Replace with special delivery

Along with those changes other maps that could be added are – password, karsiah and TC base.

I don’t know why you have maps in the rotation that people OFTEN want skipped (stalingrad,resurrection, fuel dump, rail gun.) obviously they aren’t wanted by most.

Let me do the rotation :~)

Nothing wrong with Venice,Ice i have to agree tho OLD map and tired same with adlernest (overplayed crap) and brandorf also overplayed (seem’s you have a GA mentality) get fresh and get some map’s like 2 tank’s [url] http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefr … anks;42206[/url]

most of 2bit (Tibet clan map’s are cool) said:
your a drunken idiot

Eminent Member
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Re: Rotation

Some suggestions:

  • Fueldump needs the updated script so allies can spawn at the garage CP and so that axis base fortification can’t be fully constructed.[/*:m:3pphjpf7]
  • Replace goldrush with goldrush GA, it’s more fun.[/*:m:3pphjpf7]
  • Reactor had some fun gameplay going on the other night, I say give it a chance.[/*:m:3pphjpf7]
  • Caen2 needs the script to fix the allied mg exploit.[/*:m:3pphjpf7]
  • Bullet points are awesome. That is all.[/*:m:3pphjpf7]

Discuss and instead of locking the threads why not just delete the idiot posts?


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Re: Rotation

So if you guys take out ET_Ice, Fueldump, Venice and replace them with braundorf, special delivery and add supply2 itll be a sweet rotation.


Whatever you do, dont put Gold Rush GA on, with 30 players it will be a nightmare, its designed for 12 players not 30.

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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Re: Rotation






Prominent Member
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Re: Rotation

If it’s for some fun, how about Super Goldrush?

Honorable Member
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Re: Rotation

If it’s for some fun, how about Super Goldrush?

gtfo that map …if you have a shat pc …. think fuel dump gphx lag x10 said:
your a drunken idiot

Prominent Member
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Re: Rotation

Rotation still doesn’t have supply or ICE in it (even then it will still be bad, ice isn’t that good).

Caen isn’t that bad now that i’ve played it a bit. I Still reckon you should remove fuel dump and add TC base, adlernest, braundorf, bremen and special delivery. That will make for a good rotation. Venice is no where near as bad as fuel dump but you might want to remove that too. The maps previously listed that I personally want added into the rotation I have never heard complaints about on the server. Compared to fuel dump which will get someone (other than me =P) whinging about it EVERY time it’s played.

@kabal there’s a reason adlernest and other like maps are played lots – because they’re well designed quality maps.


Would be good to see some admin input and criticism(if any) to our discussions.

half your skill is in your config

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Re: Rotation

Yes Blusky we have been watching this post and noting comments etc. We are having a meeting tonite where we can organise some changes to rotation etc. I thank you all very much for the respectful and informative topic. Its a great read and gives us many more ideas to try on the server.

Cheerz Mick.

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Re: Rotation

Yes Blusky we have been watching this post and noting comments etc.
Cheerz Mick.

In that case by all means don’t listen to overmar’s suggestions.
Last month he wanted Base12 and this month he suggested super goldrush :S

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Re: Rotation

Yes Blusky we have been watching this post and noting comments etc.
Cheerz Mick.

In that case by all means don’t listen to overmar’s suggestions.
Last month he wanted Base12 and this month he suggested super goldrush :S

Not his fault, the map was voted upon and chosen by that -I don’t understand why people vote for maps and then request for them to be skipped in game….

half your skill is in your config

Estimable Member
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Posts: 204

Re: Rotation

Ya i’m hearin ya. Anyways we have enlisted the aid of Abolisher to find a few new maps. Over the next few days we’ll remove Fuel Dump and Venice. Will leave Reactor on for a while longer as its new.

Will probably bring back either Bremen or Braundorf and also add Aldersnest
then try one new map as well to see how it goes down
Hows that so far. Hope this works out ok.

Cheerz Mick.

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Re: Rotation

Ya i’m hearin ya. Anyways we have enlisted the aid of Abolisher to find a few new maps. Over the next few days we’ll remove Fuel Dump and Venice. Will leave Reactor on for a while longer as its new.

Will probably bring back either Bremen or Braundorf and also add Aldersnest
then try one new map as well to see how it goes down
Hows that so far. Hope this works out ok.

Cheerz Mick.

Sounds good. Why not add both Bremen and Braundorf? – they’re both good maps that are well liked, same with TC base. Make sure you add supply depot + special delivery in aswell. Do you only want to run a fixed amount of maps in a rotation?

Yep reactor is pretty decent, usually over quickly anyway. With the above maps and a new map implemented in the rotation and the with the withdrawal of Fuel dump and Venice the rotation should be pretty solid with alot of different maps that people enjoy.

half your skill is in your config

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Re: Rotation

Super was only if it’s for giggle map, sheesh. And Base 12 is a good map, if you bother working out how to do it.

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