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Seriously What a Jo…
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Seriously What a Joke

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I haven’t been around for awhile (been living it up and getting on with RL) infact ET is non-exsistent on my computer.
But I come on here and WAIT WHAT DO I SEE!!!! Half the tosser’s responsible for making the last Admin Team’s life a living hell and half the reason OZ had Most of the Admin leave, are now OZ members.
Seriously OZ!!!! What a joke.

Sorry BR you need to take a long hard look at some of the scum you (or I should say Recruitment team) are letting into OZ because I swear it will be the end of OZ if you don’t.


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100% with Bullet on this one..
i also think it’s a loud of shit the idiots that almost screwed -OZ- over many times, are now in fact -OZ-members…
ohh by the way bullet-bait, lammy and lockout are in the recruiting team, doesnt that tell ya something? (or may i add, the only 2)


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Nothing surprises me anymore Indev.
As I said ET has long gone from my computer (Et is DEAD too me)
But Meh IDK, just my POV

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I see 0 complaints in the complaints section after yourself, Blackhawk and vampirate left.

Proofs in the pudding – There is NO MORE drama on the OZ server since you guys left, most of the complaints were directed at Blackhawk and not because he was a GOOD admin. Majority of the new mods are an excellent choice.

Do you think it’s just a coincidence that there’s pretty much 0 drama and nothing in the complaints section?

half your skill is in your config

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am i to take that i am “scum”? said:
your a drunken idiot

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why even give ur pov if u dont play anymore?
these forums are for ppl that still play and still love the game.

you obviously dont anymore which is fine. just dont come back to russel up the feathers. things are going just great over here now actually.

full slots on weekdays etc.

cant see the bad only the good in the change.

sorry if u dont share the same view.

Firm but fair


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0 complaints ROFL, funny how It wasn’t that long ago Kabel was complaining about the flax he was getting on server for DOING HIS JOB…… Considering it is no longer there YOU WORK IT OUT…. Delete is a wonderful tool…

Kabel you would have to be one of the people I have the most respect for.. Take a look at what you have accomplished in the last few weeks for that I have a huge amount of respect for KEEP IT UP.. You and me had our moments but we always sorted them out and went on with life, there was never a grudge kept between us. So you tell me if I’m calling you scum????

Hicksy the reason I care is BR has put alot of time, money and effort into OZ and I’d hate too see the troublemakers that started and nearly finished OZ finish the job.
I also put a lot of my time and effort into helping keep OZ going while BR was occupied with RL, so I think I’m entitled to a POV weither I play or not. After all it is a PUBLIC forum.

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0 complaints ROFL, funny how It wasn’t that long ago Kabel was complaining about the flax he was getting on server for DOING HIS JOB…… Considering it is no longer there YOU WORK IT OUT…. Delete is a wonderful tool…

Kabel you would have to be one of the people I have the most respect for.. Take a look at what you have accomplished in the last few weeks for that I have a huge amount of respect for KEEP IT UP.. You and me had our moments but we always sorted them out and went on with life, there was never a grudge kept between us. So you tell me if I’m calling you scum????

Hicksy the reason I care is BR has put alot of time, money and effort into OZ and I’d hate too see the troublemakers that started and nearly finished OZ finish the job.
I also put a lot of my time and effort into helping keep OZ going while BR was occupied with RL, so I think I’m entitled to a POV weither I play or not. After all it is a PUBLIC forum.

You know there is FAR less complaints now that some people have left the OZ team. This is a FACT. There was basically a complaint made EVERY DAY towards you or blackhawk.

Bullet Bait do you really think the reason these ‘bad guys’ became a part of the OZ moderator team was to destroy it from the inside? Come on. Who are you even referring too?

half your skill is in your config

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all good ass recruits that have proven themselves to be very good at what they now,

Subby- Bloody hell matey your the best!
amacide- he knows how to talk now ๐Ÿ™‚ goood work!
Flash- good job.
Lestat- ohhh baby, your the nicest guy from OGN right through, your an excellent admin, and i know you’ll goo farr!!
Hicksy- Goodie, you David Hicks, are awesome, remember OGN? back in those days? you were the man then, and your still the man NOW!
SUPERminge- just played with him the other night, you got some skill and know how to slick out those hackers ๐Ÿ˜†


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Bullet, the facts are pretty obvious. The worst two admins in the whole of oz were blackhawk and vampirate. They left, and there are zero dramas. Heck, I even prefer lestat being admin over those people and that’s saying something, something I never myself thought I would say either. You were a half-half admin, sometimes good sometimes bad. But as others have said, there are no dramas now that there are admins in that actually know what they are doing and they actually listen to the players instead of “oh shutup or ill mute you” ala blackhawk style.
On a separate note, indev, your first post says how you think the new oz members are crap then in your latest post you say ohhh they are awesome. Don’t you ever get tired of sucking up to people?


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nah bullet wasnt having a go at ya. obviously aware that br has put money and time into it.

now that we are OZ we are suppose to be here to help with the time part and the $ were we can.

BR is not the only one that has put cash into this. and not the only one that wants to see it succeed.

i spose what im saying is. these ppl were chosen to HELP with the server and make it a better more friendly place to be,

and the truth is. this is happening. thats what i mean by we are getting better numbers now… slowly but surely.

and as sad as it is, the truth is alot of the older players from previous servers are starting to join back up and have a bit of a frag now that they feel its alittle more player friendly.

has nothing to do with the previous admins or who is admining now. its about making oz a better place.

Just dont see why you would come back and title the thread seriously what a joke. the server is there for players and the players are enjoying there time on oz atm.

now that ur not an admin come back and play stress free. see what its like now. ๐Ÿ˜€

Firm but fair


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Whoa wait.. Bullet and Hawk Rocked. but Vamp.. Eh.
They where only “hated” course they told all the douche bags off and i can say if u were on the wrong side of them than u are. “well not all but most”


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0 complaints ROFL, funny how It wasn’t that long ago Kabel was complaining about the flax he was getting on server for DOING HIS JOB…

thats not a player complaining thats a oz member. lol.

plus. kabel knows the baggage that comes with being an authority head. his still learning to deal with it ๐Ÿ˜€

he’ll be fine. big boy he is ๐Ÿ˜€

Kabel GO FOR THAT WALK hahahahahaha


Firm but fair


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Yup thats right Hicksy, but it is still a complaint, weither or not he is in OZ he is still a ET player, and the fact is Blusky said the server is better YET admin and mods are still copping the flax for trying to do there job, that’s my point. So how has it changed??? IT HASN’T.

Come back stress free!!! That will never happen ET is dead and buried and I’m afraid that is where it will be staying…

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I reckon having the oz tags next to your name should give you the benifit of the doubt.
and not no regulars who are having a bad day start talkin smack a oz reply and bamn! admin abuse! it happened with me with Acehold and Frog! and guess what… look how they turned out.


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