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sniper 1 hit 1 kill…
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sniper 1 hit 1 kill (scoped)

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Game Is For Pew Pew And Forums Is For QQ

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There isn’t a simply for the sake of it. Topics get locked when things are sorted. All that would have come from that topic is exactly zero new input. One shot kill sniper is really a yes or no answer. You argue yes or no and that’s it, not really many interesting viewpoints to be had there and really what were the odds of someone having one to put in and being disappointed it got locked?

I’m pretty sure most issues are yes or no. i.e. every political debate ever ends with ‘should this bill pass’, yes or no? Who knows what dude could have come in and changed my opinion that snipers aren’t scared pussies band actually deserve the 1 hit kill deal. We hadn’t even heard from death yet. What advantage did locking the thread serve compared to leaving it open?

The thing is frog, we need to monitor threads to make this place a friendlyish place for people to be in. That means we are forced to read every thread and post if we are a moderator to make sure it all goes down smoothly. Yes, I have had to read every single nonsensical death post about many different topics and had to check the correlation between butz responses to make sure everything is all good in the hood and it doesn’t resort to flames. So no, we can’t simply close the browser and forget about it because if someone complains we get more QQ. It’s kind of like if a hacker came on the server and you QQd to me about it, can I simply say, nah I’m sick of kicking people today, try again tomorrow? I’m sure that would go down well.

Believe it or not there isn’t an admin on the server at all times. Maybe you should shut the server down at nights when you go to bed. Oh wait no, that’s a stupid idea, right? A better system in the server example is getting people to record a demo and point out what they feel angry about. Similarly on forums people can link an offending post and point out what they feel angry about. No, you don’t need to read every inch of these forums really.

That’s my point, nothing is out of order and hence it is all good in the hood. It’s only when things get out of hand that we need to do things so generally when we do actually do something, there is a good reason for it and it pisses us off when some twat goes and posts another topic on it

Clearly that’s wrong. You lock topics that haven’t gotten “out of hand” because you personally feel they are “resolved” (which is an idiotic thing to say about an ongoing discussion), and you lock topics because, evidently, you can’t be bothered reading extra posts but are too obsessively compelled to not read them.

Finally, that picture is gold.

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Well this topic is now going sideways, but let’s see just how deep the rabbit hole goes eh?
Perhaps we should shut down the server at night, I might ask BR about it tonight. The point is, when there is an admin around they should be doing their job. Same with the forums, sure we could just sit on our asses and wait for the QQ to come rolling in, but if we are around we should just do it. If I am on the server and I see someone hacking, can I just say to them “Well I can’t ban that guy until enough people complain, so please go and take a demo and submit and we will look into banning him”. This will make our lives a lot easier I’m sure. Now flash back to the forums, you see things that are done and dusted and you close it, simple. Let me break this down for you, 1 shot kill snipers isn’t going to happen anytime soon regardless of what people say. Does that make the locking easier for you to understand?
As for your last statement, you contradict yourself a little bit. I read all posts on the forums and yes when things get out of hand we do lock them. We also lock topics where the suggestion/issue has been resolved in our eyes. Yeah I put “in our eyes” since it really is up to us what suggestions we take on board since they are suggestions. So now, if you want to have 1 shot kill but the consensus is that no one wants it and we aren’t going to implement it, why do we bother to entertain twats?
Anyway, please do continue posting irrelevant posts even though you know it isn’t really going to change anything, your tears add to the monthly donation and every drop counts.
And yes, that picture is freaking hilarious. Butz with the win.


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Game Is For Pew Pew And Forums Is For QQ

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Perhaps we should shut down the server at night, I might ask BR about it tonight.

I can’t tell if this is a lame joke but given the context of your post I assume it isn’t. The point is it’s more fun for people to play on the server and maybe occaisonally have to put up with a hacker than it is for them to not be able to play because the server is “locked”. The evidence is that people actually do play when no admins are on. This translates to the forums that people would rather (except in special circumstances) you leave the threads open even if admins dont have to time to monitor everything written. People still have the ability to point out offensive or off topic posts to admins anyway, so I doubt they are going to mind a short delay in the response time.

The point is, when there is an admin around they should be doing their job. Same with the forums, sure we could just sit on our asses and wait for the QQ to come rolling in, but if we are around we should just do it. If I am on the server and I see someone hacking, can I just say to them “Well I can’t ban that guy until enough people complain, so please go and take a demo and submit and we will look into banning him”. This will make our lives a lot easier I’m sure.

I agree. IF YOU ARE AROUND then sure take action. If you get a complaint then deal with that. This doesn’t mean you have to be around all the time. Cops aren’t around all the time and yet they still allow establishments to be open when they aren’t. They don’t “lock” them. I made similar examples before, are you really not getting it?

Now flash back to the forums, you see things that are done and dusted and you close it, simple. Let me break this down for you, 1 shot kill snipers isn’t going to happen anytime soon regardless of what people say. Does that make the locking easier for you to understand?

No, threads are there for discussion. Maybe someone could have come up with a compromise or an idea off the back of that one. Unfortunately we won’t ever know because you “locked” it. (And yes I’m aware my responses are getting pretty blunt).

As for your last statement, you contradict yourself a little bit. I read all posts on the forums and yes when things get out of hand we do lock them. We also lock topics where the suggestion/issue has been resolved in our eyes. Yeah I put “in our eyes” since it really is up to us what suggestions we take on board since they are suggestions. So now, if you want to have 1 shot kill but the consensus is that no one wants it and we aren’t going to implement it, why do we bother to entertain twats?

Why do you go out of your way to annoy twats when, as I explained above with simple logic and a real world example, you clearly don’t have to. Also you probably shouldn’t refer to the OZ community as twats.

Anyway, please do continue posting irrelevant posts even though you know it isn’t really going to change anything

Yes well I must admit it is interesting to see how a normal and quite reasonable guy like yourself can become so stubborn (since becoming an admin) that you disregard straightforward logic and start posting in tangents to defend a bad practice that you could easily stop.

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I feel like my posts aren’t getting the same amount of push so I think it’s time I brought in the post montage too.

I can’t tell if this is a lame joke but given the context of your post I assume it isn’t. The point is it’s more fun for people to play on the server and maybe occaisonally have to put up with a hacker than it is for them to not be able to play because the server is “locked”. The evidence is that people actually do play when no admins are on. This translates to the forums that people would rather (except in special circumstances) you leave the threads open even if admins dont have to time to monitor everything written. People still have the ability to point out offensive or off topic posts to admins anyway, so I doubt they are going to mind a short delay in the response time.

Nah I was fully serious, if I’m not on the server then it’s not worth being online really. I don’t think the analogy of the server being locked to stop a hacker is quite the same, a little bit exaggerated. Your hacker example would translate to us locking the forums every time an admin isn’t around, so try again please. The rest of this quote is again quite useless as both of these things do happen currently.

I agree. IF YOU ARE AROUND then sure take action. If you get a complaint then deal with that. This doesn’t mean you have to be around all the time. Cops aren’t around all the time and yet they still allow establishments to be open when they aren’t. They don’t “lock” them. I made similar examples before, are you really not getting it?

See the difference here in our thoughts is that I prefer a preventative method whereas you prefer a post clean up method of action. Neither is wrong, but both sides naturally are not going to be pleased. Cops aren’t around all the time either and yet when they see someone breaking into a house they don’t go, “hmm I think he is breaking in but I’ll wait till someone complains first”. This part of your quote kind of steers away from your previous arguments that we shouldn’t be locking threads that you feel will add more discussion etc. We both obviously are in agreement that when people go to abusive natures that something will be done so shall we move back to your previous argument?

No, threads are there for discussion. Maybe someone could have come up with a compromise or an idea off the back of that one. Unfortunately we won’t ever know because you “locked” it. (And yes I’m aware my responses are getting pretty blunt).

Well I guess in reply to that one, no one really would expect that level of sophistication to pop up with regards to a one shot kill sniper discussion. Also you are incorrect, I didn’t lock the thread so no need to get all snippy ๐Ÿ˜›

Why do you go out of your way to annoy twats when, as I explained above with simple logic and a real world example, you clearly don’t have to. Also you probably shouldn’t refer to the OZ community as twats.

I don’t go out of my way, it just seems to happen, I am Triggerhawk after all aren’t I? The thing is your logic is biased, as is mine and neither of us will probably back down since we both like to argue our points till we are blue in the face. Your examples have holes in them and it is easy for either of us to find a counter example to each others’ examples. I probably shouldn’t refer to some people as twats but skank has rubbed off on me and I find that quote of his hilarious and added it for some comic relief for those who could be bothered reading this.

Yes well I must admit it is interesting to see how a normal and quite reasonable guy like yourself can become so stubborn (since becoming an admin) that you disregard straightforward logic and start posting in tangents to defend a bad practice that you could easily stop.

I get stubborn because I know exactly what your motive is behind the posts. The facts are simple and have been reiterated over and over on what you can do in the future if this occurs. It has been stated that if you feel a thread has had an injustice to it that you can PM the locker and put forward your case. In the case of the sniper one it probably would have been reopened if you said your spiel about someone coming up with a compromise etc etc. You are trying to stop a bad practice with a bad practice yourself which I guess is like doing and eye for an eye. It is for these reasons that I defend the “bad practice” and the sad injustice that occurred on the 11th of March, 2010. RIP Sniper 1 hit 1 kill (scoped), we hardly new you and what potential you had in life.
If it makes you feel better Frog, I am sorry that the thread got locked and for the inconvenience it caused you. I understand you lost your job and girlfriend over this as the issue kept you up at night, unfortunately OZ cannot reimburse you for the money you lost and well you’re better off without Jane anyway, from what I heard she was a little too polite to the pool boy if you know what I mean.



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^TL:DR…… can you summarize that in 2 sentences?

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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^TL:DR…… can you summarize that in 2 sentences?

“Derp, frog, doesnt work liek daaaaaaaat. lulz, i may seem like a triggerhawk to you, but i’m just sick of your crap”

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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Nah I was fully serious, if I’m not on the server then it’s not worth being online really. I don’t think the analogy of the server being locked to stop a hacker is quite the same, a little bit exaggerated. Your hacker example would translate to us locking the forums every time an admin isn’t around, so try again please.

You admitted earlier that you lock threads because you can’t be bothered reading them to their conclusion. Thus, you lock threads in anticipation of an admin not being around, which is for all intents and purposes exactly the same as my above example, so try again please.

See the difference here in our thoughts is that I prefer a preventative method whereas you prefer a post clean up method of action. Neither is wrong, but both sides naturally are not going to be pleased. Cops aren’t around all the time either and yet when they see someone breaking into a house they don’t go, “hmm I think he is breaking in but I’ll wait till someone complains first”.

I agree. IF YOU ARE AROUND then sure take action.

You need to do a re-read, your lack of actual argument must be moving the words around on your page to satisfy your ego.

Well I guess in reply to that one, no one really would expect that level of sophistication to pop up with regards to a one shot kill sniper discussion. Also you are incorrect, I didn’t lock the thread so no need to get all snippy ๐Ÿ˜›

You make certain of that level of sophistication not popping up anywhere on the forums by locking every thread. And I obviously meant ‘you’ as in the collective OZ forum mods or whatever you call yourselves.

I don’t go out of my way, it just seems to happen, I am Triggerhawk after all aren’t I? The thing is your logic is biased, as is mine and neither of us will probably back down since we both like to argue our points till we are blue in the face. Your examples have holes in them and it is easy for either of us to find a counter example to each others’ examples.

All the “holes” you think you saw have now been proven solid, so perhaps the biased logic was a simple mistake by you in the reading comprehension department.

It has been stated that if you feel a thread has had an injustice to it that you can PM the locker and put forward your case. In the case of the sniper one it probably would have been reopened if you said your spiel about someone coming up with a compromise etc etc.

I shouldn’t have to if you simply stop locking everything hence the purpose of this thread as I may have mentioned 143,245 times already. In the case of the sniper one I did say my spiel about coming up with a compromise etc etc. so why isn’t it open.

RIP Sniper 1 hit 1 kill (scoped), we hardly new you and what potential you had in life.

Cool now a funeral for the other 143,245 threads that you have locked and the 143,245 threads you will lock in the future because of your non-existent reasons.

If it makes you feel better Frog, I am sorry that the thread got locked and for the inconvenience it caused you. I understand you lost your job and girlfriend over this as the issue kept you up at night, unfortunately OZ cannot reimburse you for the money you lost and well you’re better off without Jane anyway, from what I heard she was a little too polite to the pool boy if you know what I mean.

Cheers bro, it’s tough out there.

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You admitted earlier that you lock threads because you can’t be bothered reading them to their conclusion. Thus, you lock threads in anticipation of an admin not being around, which is for all intents and purposes exactly the same as my above example, so try again please.

Wait what? When did I say that? I would like to see a quote of that because I am pretty sure I just said I read every post in every thread. We lock threads that are either going to end up in flames or in the case of the suggestion thread, when we feel the suggestion has been taken on board and have all the input we need on the matter to make a decision. Try again please, quote where I said I lock them because I can’t be bothered.

You need to do a re-read, your lack of actual argument must be moving the words around on your page to satisfy your ego.

Yeah I figured you would reply something like that. Do you not understand the concepts of pre and post? Ok don’t worry, I’ll try and dumb things down a little for you. The point I was trying to make is that we shouldn’t have to wait for complaints if we see something is going out of control. Anyway, again this whole argument as I said in my previous post is moot. We aren’t talking about any flaming threads here, we are talking about threads getting locked that you feel haven’t run their course and have started new topics for them. So as I said in my previous post, stick to that argument please. Do you understand that we both agree on flames getting locked? No? Oh well I did try. Let’s move on shall we?

You make certain of that level of sophistication not popping up anywhere on the forums by locking every thread. And I obviously meant ‘you’ as in the collective OZ forum mods or whatever you call yourselves.

LOL really? That is the argument? Yes frog, every single one of our threads is locked. Holy moly how are we still posting? We must be like super talented or something. Well I would keep your collectives out of this argument, I don’t want to be bundled with the forum ninjas that run around the place here. Not my style at all.

All the “holes” you think you saw have now been proven solid, so perhaps the biased logic was a simple mistake by you in the reading comprehension department.

Yes I see now how your example was proven solid by the sheer fact you said so, not due to any real reasoning at all. I say we are biased because this argument is getting old and it really is quite easy to see the solution but neither of us really want a resolution, we just want to talk and see who comes out on top I guess.

I shouldn’t have to if you simply stop locking everything hence the purpose of this thread as I may have mentioned 143,245 times already. In the case of the sniper one I did say my spiel about coming up with a compromise etc etc. so why isn’t it open.

No you shouldn’t and you probably wouldn’t need to either. The simple fact is, about 2 threads have been locked over that period or something like that and you were just annoyed because you couldn’t get your two cents in. You shouldn’t have to PM us in the same way I shouldn’t have to listen to your spiel about it and we should just lock this thread right now. The point being, we aren’t here to serve your every whim and we don’t expect you to bend to ours. You clearly would never go the lengths of doing what we ask so why should we bother doing what you want? Your topic is all based in a retaliation method hence making it seem like it is ok since it is in defiance of what you feel is unjust, however it really is pretty simple to send a message and go “hey, can it be unlocked we still have some good stuff to say”. I say this in the sense that a moderator will somewhere along the line still lock something that you feel shouldn’t have been and you will again QQ as what seems to happen every few weeks or so. You have to understand that there are moderators (or were I should say) that probably didn’t understand that what they did was going to be such an uproar for others, same thing where some OZ people can’t spot hax for crap. If you can’t simply give them a heads up in a nice manner and just yell in mm1, “dude oz is so bad at getting hackers look at this guy” yadda yaddda, it doesn’t make them inclined to help out as actively as they initially would have. So really as I said, if you can’t understand this concept then I feel sorry for you since future threads somewhere probably will get locked and you will QQ and we will have this debate again and probably nothing will change again due to the simple fact that you could have brought your opinion to light in a better way. Sarcasm and digs at people won’t get you too far in life and probably less so on the OZ forums ๐Ÿ˜‰


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Sarcasm and digs at people won’t get you too far in life and probably less so on the OZ forums ๐Ÿ˜‰

I disagree, my whole life’s been based on sarcasm and digs on random people. It’s fun being your own boss, people may think you’re a total d!ckhead and still kiss your ass + spit shine my shoes regardless :p

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Wait what? When did I say that? I would like to see a quote of that because I am pretty sure I just said I read every post in every thread. We lock threads that are either going to end up in flames or in the case of the suggestion thread, when we feel the suggestion has been taken on board and have all the input we need on the matter to make a decision. Try again please, quote where I said I lock them because I can’t be bothered.

The thing is frog, we need to monitor threads to make this place a friendlyish place for people to be in. That means we are forced to read every thread and post if we are a moderator to make sure it all goes down smoothly. Yes, I have had to read every single nonsensical death post about many different topics and had to check the correlation between butz responses to make sure everything is all good in the hood and it doesn’t resort to flames. So no, we can’t simply close the browser and forget about it because if someone complains we get more QQ.

I figured you would reply something like that. Do you not understand the concepts of pre and post? Ok don’t worry, I’ll try and dumb things down a little for you. The point I was trying to make is that we shouldn’t have to wait for complaints if we see something is going out of control.

I agree. IF YOU ARE AROUND then sure take action. If you get a complaint then deal with that. This doesn’t mean you have to be around all the time. Cops aren’t around all the time and yet they still allow establishments to be open when they aren’t. They don’t “lock” them. I made similar examples before, are you really not getting it?

You don’t have to wait for complaints, you have the option of reacting to something you read. However if you do miss a few dodgey posts THATS OKAY because of the complaint system. 3rd time lucky you’ll understand this?

LOL really? That is the argument? Yes frog, every single one of our threads is locked. Holy moly how are we still posting? We must be like super talented or something. Well I would keep your collectives out of this argument, I don’t want to be bundled with the forum ninjas that run around the place here. Not my style at all.

Stop taking stuff literally like a 4 year old. And yes I do bundle you with them in this instance.

Yes I see now how your example was proven solid by the sheer fact you said so, not due to any real reasoning at all. I say we are biased because this argument is getting old and it really is quite easy to see the solution but neither of us really want a resolution, we just want to talk and see who comes out on top I guess.

I have given straightforward rationale, and real world examples. The solution is indeed obvious.

Now to break it down simply for you:

You are trying to stop a bad practice with a bad practice yourself which I guess is like doing and eye for an eye.

You admit that locking the threads is a “bad practice”, so essentially the only reason you are arguing with me right now is because you don’t like my methods or you can’t stand to lose an argument. You know I’m right, and the above comment confirms this. If you ever do swallow your pride i’d thank you and your gang to stop locking threads. You don’t even have to admit it. gg.

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lol i love you rowan

Ulti has hacked since the down of time, and he is still mad that nobody will be his friend.

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I disagree, my whole life’s been based on sarcasm and digs on random people. It’s fun being your own boss, people may think you’re a total d!ckhead and still kiss your ass + spit shine my shoes regardless :p

I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


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The thing is frog, we need to monitor threads to make this place a friendlyish place for people to be in. That means we are forced to read every thread and post if we are a moderator to make sure it all goes down smoothly. Yes, I have had to read every single nonsensical death post about many different topics and had to check the correlation between butz responses to make sure everything is all good in the hood and it doesn’t resort to flames. So no, we can’t simply close the browser and forget about it because if someone complains we get more QQ.

And this is me locking a thread how? I said I read all the posts to make sure they aren’t abusive. Top quote proving that I can’t be bothered reading people’s post eh?

I’m going to break down your next quote into nice little snippets of words to make this easier.

You don’t have to wait for complaints, you have the option of reacting to something you read.

Indeed we don’t have to wait for complaints and we do have the option of locking a thread should we need to. I fail to see how we are in disagreement here.

However if you do miss a few dodgey posts THATS OKAY because of the complaint system. 3rd time lucky you’ll understand this?

We still use the complaint system for things we do miss, so again where is your argument? You continue to go down the path of us locking a thread when it is going off the rails. We haven’t done that lately and your original rant is about us locking threads such as the cake and sniper thread. If you are going to argue the “if its going off the rails/it is abusive/you see it is bad/people will complain” side of things, please refer me to what thread you are talking about as you are just making arguments for the sake of arguing. It is funny because you continue to whine about that over and over even though it seems we have no disagreement on flaming threads.

LOL really? That is the argument? Yes frog, every single one of our threads is locked. Holy moly how are we still posting? We must be like super talented or something. Well I would keep your collectives out of this argument, I don’t want to be bundled with the forum ninjas that run around the place here. Not my style at all.

Stop taking stuff literally like a 4 year old. And yes I do bundle you with them in this instance.

Exaggerate like a 4 year old and expect an answer like a 4 year old. I guess it is your choice to bundle me in there but then I guess you will get crossed views since a lot of moderators are different in the way they do things so I might agree with you in some areas and not others which could seem confusing when you are trying to ezbash me.

Yes I see now how your example was proven solid by the sheer fact you said so, not due to any real reasoning at all. I say we are biased because this argument is getting old and it really is quite easy to see the solution but neither of us really want a resolution, we just want to talk and see who comes out on top I guess.

I have given straightforward rationale, and real world examples. The solution is indeed obvious.

/facepalm. Arguing with you becomes more like arguing with death reincarnated with each post of yours. Your real world example was that of the cops allowing places to be open even though they aren’t around? Kind of like how we let topics stay open when we are not around? Or was your example about shutting down the server when we leave at night where it was greatly exaggerated and debunked by the fact that it would equal us locking the forums when no one is around? Yeah nah your right, that example was flawless by all means.

Now to break it down simply for you:

You are trying to stop a bad practice with a bad practice yourself which I guess is like doing and eye for an eye.

You admit that locking the threads is a “bad practice”, so essentially the only reason you are arguing with me right now is because you don’t like my methods or you can’t stand to lose an argument. You know I’m right, and the above comment confirms this. If you ever do swallow your pride i’d thank you and your gang to stop locking threads. You don’t even have to admit it. gg.

I wouldn’t say locking threads is a bad practice, it can be a bad practice in the instances of a forum ninja locking a post with no reason given and things like that. What I meant by that is that you believe it was a bad practice and retaliated with what you know is a bad practice hence being and eye for an eye etc. The reason why I am arguing with you is because you are still wrong. The simple fact is, we will lock threads and if we give the reason when we lock it then that is that. You can then PM that person if you believe that reason was unacceptable for you but otherwise just take it that it is locked. If you can understand this simple process then perhaps you can end this silly argument and accept the way things are done.


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