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I can’t find my application to join OZ in the Application Section nor Finished Applications section. But that is not of importance to what I want to type about in the next sentence. This post is of concerning cleaning up important posts after the change of URL. Whilst looking around the forum, reading things I probably should’ve read when I joined, I noticed broken links.

Here are some:

Some other things:

If these work for you then I apologise for wasting your time whilst you read this. I also apologise if this problem has prior been brought up and this is just an irritation. Trying to help in the only way I am proficient in; being annoyingly picking and obsessive about mundane things. I know that the forums are not very active (you can see it) but I feel that up to date links will help people.

/sound like an arse for bringing up that a lot of things are outdated and haven’t been updated since last year.

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Moved to the correct part of the forum, will look at it tomorrow.

Eh, Melon is a pretty cool guy, changes your signature and doesn’t afraid of anything.

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thanks zonii all has been done i think the Donator-Game-amp-TS3-Privelages are still in effect they have not changed the only thing that that had changed is that you can get a donator room on request in ts3

regarding your application i went in search for it but could not find it guessing that with the merge to our new web host that it has been lost between that time so may need to do another one sorry


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Zonii what web browser are you viewing the site through ?
I’m just wondering if it’s an outdated version or OZ needs to check it’s browser support.

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I’m using Google Chrome and it is saying it is up to date. I had a rather quick look using whatever version of Firefox and it seems to be done as Phillgates has said; everything has been adjusted.
Also if I have to submit another application I will. Will get to it the next time I have ample free time.
