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Weapon Damage Value…
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Weapon Damage Values info

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After many hours of going through and analysing the damage values. Instead of changing HP of medics or anything like that. Why not just adjust the damage appropriately so it is proportional. Heck a levle 4 soldier has 140 hp and meds are sposed to have more HP any way.

So I calculate its about 1.3 times the normal hp as if we were playing normally with level 1 or 2 ect.. the normal average. Xp Save warped things a bit obvsiouly. So All damage values have been increased by 1.3x. During this increment I have also noticed its become a lot easier to kill medics and obviously for medics to kill, however the main issue was it just not doing enough. Now it should be much closer to proper.

Kind Regards, BR

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calculate default settings k go.

Ulti has hacked since the down of time, and he is still mad that nobody will be his friend.

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So all the players that can triple will own 33% quicker than normal?

Also what happens in the event of sniper HS’s? Instant kill?

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Please make a default ETPro server with supply, brauny and frost added kthnx bai ๐Ÿ˜›

“If life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade”

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Nope! It still works out that snipers will not get a insta kill, which is correct. Also, it should be a little bit better taking out a medic so it won’t take a million shots especially vs classes. Remember that engineers still have their flak jackets which helps them, just their weapons just got stronger as well as medics weapons obviously. Although it should make for an easier kill against a medic which is the main point and also balance out the weapon damage for all the weapons a bit better.

Also, I am not finished medics I am trying to implement something still…. if this works then the balance is complete :).

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calculate default settings k go.

F1 i second this although slightly lower arty damage and splash (SLIGHTLY) also panzer (SLIGHTLY) and up dmgknife to 25 (knife stab dmg default 10) and knifedamage to 40 (thrown knife default 35), everything else default no charge time changes either
with the suggested medic medicSelfhealTime adjusted correctly (may need to experiment here) should make for very even playing field

these look good ๐Ÿ™‚

set g_dmgknife “25”
set g_knifedamage “40”
set g_dmgsten “14”
set g_dmgfg42 “15”
set g_dmgpistol “18”
set g_dmgsmg “18”
set g_dmgmg42 “18”
set g_dmgMG “20”
set g_dmgFG42Scope “30”
set g_dmgInfRifle “34”
set g_dmgSniper “50”
set g_dmgFlamer “5”
set g_dmggrenade “250”
set g_dmgGlauncher “250”
set g_dmgLandmine “250”
set g_dmgSatchel “250”
set g_dmgPanzer “400”
set g_dmgMortar “400”
set g_dmgDynamite “400”
set g_dmgAir “300” or maybe “280”
set g_dmgArty “300” or maybe “280”
set g_dmggrenaderadius “250”
set g_dmgGlauncherradius “250”
set g_dmgLandmineRadius “250”
set g_dmgSatchelRadius “250”
set g_dmgPanzerRadius “280”
set g_dmgMortarRadius “280”
set g_dmgDynamiteRadius “400”
set g_dmgArtyRadius “280”
set g_throwableknives “12”
set g_maxknives “12”
set g_throwknifewait “1.0”
set g_panzersvulnerable “1”

if the arty does not do as much damage and covers less area then does it really matter if they can call it a little more often (as in default)??
and if medics cant run pack shoot run pack shoot then should make them much the same as everyone else, they do already have the advantage of more health anyway, making them wait 1 sec or 2 to pack slows down rambos.
i see more ppl rage about panzer deaths then anything else, by lowering splash slightly gives ppl slight more chance of avoiding without meaning soldier has to fire 2 panzers to get a kill (direct hit or close too), he has less health to offset the amount of damage he can do with his big stick anyway, just means he has to learn to aim a bit better.

All the ways you wish you could be, that’s me. I look like you wanna look, I f*#k like you wanna f*#k, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.

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I do very much like your suggestions Morbit. The damages you have listed there are quite similar to the adjusted ones currently which are in running order on the server. I have noticed that making the rate at which people can call arty/airstrikes currently with the modified values devalues fops a lot. So I wil attempt the splash resolution and see how that goes.

Thankyou. BR

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Settings that have been modified.

g_dmgArtyRadius 300
g_dmgAirRadius 300
g_dmgPanzerRadius 250 (now same as grenade)
 g_medicChargeTime "35000" (was 25000) before.
 g_minAirstrikeTime "15" (was set to 45)
 g_minArtyTime "20" -  (was set to 45)

I am hoping that this may assist in a lot of troubles on the server.

ALSO, I have looked at each of the classes and when you have all level 0 or if we were all level 4, the hp’s do match up and from etmain to etpro to etpub to every other version medics have greater HP, so I have finalised and said I won’t be trying to lower their HP any longer.

Kind Regards, BR

Thankyou to all who have helped.

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may need to drop the per bomb damage of the arty and air to make it effective, as this is main thing that will allow ppl a chance to make it through the strikes without dying instantly.
idea of this is to make the arty serve the role of slowing enemy down without instantly killing them yet allowing feild ops to be effective enough in there class to provide air cover in multiple locations if required (as per previous e:g: battery with 2 battle fronts)

mmmmm dinner!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

All the ways you wish you could be, that’s me. I look like you wanna look, I f*#k like you wanna f*#k, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.

Noble Member
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+1 to default settings.. with everything

Ulti has hacked since the down of time, and he is still mad that nobody will be his friend.

Prominent Member
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Posts: 641

These new settings are really bad, sorry BR. Was better how it was before :

Noble Member
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Wait, did you drop the wait period of FOPS as in they can now call arty twice as much as before?
This is a server killer right there. Reasons being that before, you could call arty with binocs, wait a second for charge to come up, kick a canister, wait again till charge is back and binoc again. Effectively arty could be called every 20ish seconds under the old settings. Cutting that time in half basically means they can binoc arty almost instantly after the other one has finished.
As a side note, it would be good for you to post weapon damage suggestions in the dev section first, we can test on the dev servers we have and can advise you on what these changes will do. Running these tests live will get the answer too I guess, but a lot of people get annoyed and some things you can see are going to be a problem without even putting them on the server ๐Ÿ˜›
The 1.3 damage increase thing is another strange update that I don’t quite understand at this late stage at night ๐Ÿ˜› I wouldn’t stray too far from the default values though. Messing with damage values to nerf medics is the wrong way to do it ๐Ÿ˜› Just don’t let them pack themselves or something or make it so that their packs only give 5 HP to themselves instead of 20 etc etc. Wouldn’t be too hard to implement that in code I would think.


Prominent Member
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Agreed. Sorry BR, this one is a miss. :rnade:

Honorable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 641

+1 to default settings.. with everything

+2 If it aint broke, why try and fix it.

“If life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade”

Estimable Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 95

Default weapon damage, default spawn times, default health re-gen time, default class charge time = win…

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