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Weapon Damage Value…
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Weapon Damage Values info

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Default weapon damage, default spawn times, default health re-gen time, default class charge time = win…

You forgot DEFAULT MAPS lawl, win

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Just for reference so everyone knows exactly what has happened.

The canisters are default currently to what they were originally skanky they are not half that now, they are just normal as to waht they were before I set them to 45 seconds each which was about 4 days ago in test. However it was about a week ago for arty.

The weapon damage duplicates normal damage now as if we hadn’t had xp save. So I would say it is a lot closer to GA weapon damage now.

Sorry to be persistent but someone please explain how the new settings are not working, without the use of fail or because they just are. I would like to know in terms of gameplay.

Kind Regards, BR

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Its all good, think youve found a good even ballance so far, it takes time when fine tuning change.
Dont get upset by anyones QQ, their tears will no go to waste, I bought a 10K-L water tank yesterday.

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the settings were really mucked up last night for some reason cov recharge times were of the hook along with k43 damage fg damage flamer an god knows what else lol

these look good (default mostly)
set g_dmgknife “25” //default “10” knife stab, would take approx 5 hits to kill 6 for a med
set g_knifedamage “40” //default “35” thrown knife
set g_dmgsten “14”
set g_dmgfg42 “15”
set g_dmgpistol “18”
set g_dmgsmg “18”
set g_dmgmg42 “18”
set g_dmgMG “20”
set g_dmgFG42Scope “30”
set g_dmgInfRifle “34”
set g_dmgSniper “50”
set g_dmgFlamer “5”
set g_dmggrenade “250”
set g_dmgGlauncher “250”
set g_dmgLandmine “250”
set g_dmgSatchel “250”
set g_dmgPanzer “400”
set g_dmgMortar “400”
set g_dmgDynamite “400”
set g_dmgAir “300” //default 400
set g_dmgArty “300” //default 400
set g_dmggrenaderadius “250”
set g_dmgGlauncherradius “250”
set g_dmgLandmineRadius “250”
set g_dmgSatchelRadius “250”
set g_dmgPanzerRadius “280” //default 300
set g_dmgMortarRadius “280” //default 400
set g_dmgDynamiteRadius “400”
set g_dmgArtyRadius “280” //default 400
set g_dmgAirRadius “280” //default 400
set g_throwableknives “12”
set g_maxknives “12”
set g_throwknifewait “1.0”
set g_panzersvulnerable “1”
set g_minArtyTime “20” //default 10 effectively halved
set g-minAirstrikeTime “20” //default 10 effectively halved
set g_medicSelfhealTime “1500” //medic can not pack for 1.5 secs, can still hand out packs just cant pick them up himself for 1.5 secs.
set g_medicChargeTime “45000” //back to default of 45000
set g_medics “193”
set g_fear “1250”

ones in bold are only values altered from default
f1 if think this may work, i am 100% it will if all changes are made, cant just pick 1 or 2 of them, they work hand in hand with each other.

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Let me post you the current details of the config you have and I will also explain why, perhaps it may become a bit clearer to why I had done it.


Lots and lots of QQ overtime that 3 hs don’t kill anyone with smg.. so I looked further into the problem..

REASON: Due to xpsave, all hp levels are elevated, ALSO, with the addition of medics either side, they are even futher elevated by 10hp.

WHAT I FOUND: That in comparison to a non xp save server where most people average level 2 and level 1 or such, that the hp worked out to be approximately 1.3 times more then a standard server where level 0’s and 1’s primarily exist.

Current Solution Implemented in Trial:

Why not increase the damage of the weapons so that they are in ratio to peoples health… therefore it would be like normal damage and it would take equal amount of damage to kill people with the respective weapons.


1. I can not still make it so that it is 3 hs vs med with smg, although it is 3 hs + one hit anywhere now, which was better then before which would take 4 headshots instead. To make it 3 hs to kill a med the smg damage would need to be elevated far too high and make it unfair for other classes, so I decided to leave it as its fairly close to normal now (at least more then before).

2. I had mindlessly increased all weapons by 1.3 damage or very close to that., although some weapons such as Grenade I was not certain to whether up them by the same percent as that would make them very strong and as they distribute their damage in the radius of splash.

Config Exert Below

// All weapon settings are currently altered

set g_dmgKnife 13
set g_dmgSten 18
set g_dmgFG42 19
set g_dmgPistol 23
set g_dmgSMG 23
set g_dmgMG42 23
set g_dmgMG 26
set g_dmgFG42Scope 39
set g_dmgInfRifle 44
set g_dmgSniper 54
set g_dmgHeadShotMin 47
set g_dmgHeadShotRatio 2.3
set g_dmgFlamer 7
set g_dmgGrenade 270
set g_dmgGrenadeRadius 250 
set g_dmgGLauncher 250
set g_dmgGLauncherRadius 250 
set g_dmgLandmine 400
set g_dmgLandmineRadius 250
set g_dmgSatchel 250
set g_dmgSatchelRadius 250 
set g_dmgPanzer 400
set g_dmgPanzerRadius 250
set g_dmgMortar 400
set g_dmgMortarRadius 450
set g_dmgDynamite 400
set g_dmgDynamiteRadius 400
set g_dmgAir 400
set g_dmgAirRadius 300
set g_dmgArty 400
set g_dmgArtyRadius 300

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but all this will do is make everyone die faster in a game where you already die fast.
playing on the server now it seems very unbalanced, cov can throw satchel or smoke nade constantly fg kills VERY quick garand is lethal and medics still can pack and shoot and run pack and kill even faster.
flamer is like napalm and im sure there is other things but cant think of right now.

id be very interested in what others have to say seems the majority of ppl want default or close to?

if xp save is still an issue for ppl perhaps implement xp decay for classes they are not using and also while not online, basically while ever online xp does not decay for class your using at time, same for battle sense etc and when offline xp decays at set rate. so if dont join for few days might find xp is bit lower and might loose a star or too from classes

All the ways you wish you could be, that’s me. I look like you wanna look, I f*#k like you wanna f*#k, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.

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BR, currently the K43 and Garand can kill some one in 1 headshot and one body shot.. and this is unscoped.

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How about remove xpsave with all settings at default, and not cannibalize ET at all.

Remember way back when you first started playing ET starting a campaign with 0 xp…

It used to be fun getting the level ups and over time getting faster at it…

and seeing how much xp you could acquire over a campaign and trying to better that ..

I know we can always resetxp whenever but meh, not everyone does that.

Just my 2cents.

“If life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade”

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Inglorious bastard, I feel exactly the same way.. as to why I have sometimes thought it would be good say every month or someting just start xp save again and people race to get the most xp and they all have to get up again, would be like a fresh start with new xp and new maps and such. What do you think?

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i luv the new weapon damage ๐Ÿ˜€

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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Inglorious bastard, I feel exactly the same way.. as to why I have sometimes thought it would be good say every month or someting just start xp save again and people race to get the most xp and they all have to get up again, would be like a fresh start with new xp and new maps and such. What do you think?

Sounds good to me man.

See what everyone else thinks and trial it I reckon.

“If life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade”

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make it a comp, highest xp at end of month gets a little something for the following month like e:g even though a bad one probably, give them an extra cmd or 2 and a special greeting on entering server
i still reckon add the small changes i suggested as well but depends what others think, would still be interested in what others thought of my suggestions

All the ways you wish you could be, that’s me. I look like you wanna look, I f*#k like you wanna f*#k, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.

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It would bring some good competitiness back to ET, It’s what the game needs currently..

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How about remove xpsave with all settings at default, and not cannibalize ET at all.

Remember way back when you first started playing ET starting a campaign with 0 xp…

It used to be fun getting the level ups and over time getting faster at it…

and seeing how much xp you could acquire over a campaign and trying to better that ..

I know we can always resetxp whenever but meh, not everyone does that.

Just my 2cents.

Couldnt agree more.

Earning xp(and in turn, new abilities) is what makes ET so unique and fun.

I highly endorse this change but suggest it should reset every 8 hours like OGN used to do.

bring the fun back to ET.

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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yeah agreed, 8 hour xp save would be awesome, make everyone work for there kills again… those were the days.. think the most i got on a map was 700 and something xp and i got 3600xp on a standard internode 6 map once.. ive never seen anyone beat it ๐Ÿ˜›

Ulti has hacked since the down of time, and he is still mad that nobody will be his friend.

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