Last seen: Jan 18, 2019
Re: Adamkz Application [TF2] i love bruse allmighty but i didnt intend to quote :-_-
Re: Gunblade Application [TF2] Sound like you have your life worked out for ya welcome to the forums post spam ask questions but most of all have fu…
Re: Adamkz Application [TF2] Sound like you have your life worked out for ya 😛 welcome to the forums post spam ask questions but most of all have f…
set g_throwknifewait “0.5” fixt
i though if anything our forums needs a like button
I think you guys would make a lovely couple but BR has already made statements disassociating himself from the Man on Man love scene. this is untrue …
I just weighed the mushies and it was about 100g,I normally use 4 big ones but have never weighed them, and the meat was enough for four people. As fo…