Last seen: Jun 5, 2023
We all know why your not here any more Joker.
So far you’ve called me a faggot a retard and a twirp and my daughter a slut in less than an hour. I say again what did I say to you, was it about the…
Oh I’m sorry, did you get offended by something personal I said to you? Funny how that happens hey.. When have we seen this before? Oh that’s right th…
JoKeR was spot on when he said ‘baiting’. Obviously Bandido’s rough streetfighter lifestyle isn’t satisfying him anymore so he’s taking to being an e-…
It should also be mentioned that Bandido was bragging about apparently getting into a street fight and bashing a number of “Abos’ He threatened me on…
Haha funny read, logs reveal everything. I said nothing racist tonight, as logs will reveal and I thought i said nothing racist the other night but ha…
Gunna google Chun-Li
Lets give him a crack F1 from me
A joke to lighten things up. [video=youtube
thanks bandido still dunno how to do it, and RIP JJ u gave us some great songs even though Clapton stole some of them Copy the URL and click on the…