Last seen: May 3, 2013
XP reset after +8hrs offline FTW.
LOL Horus for president ๐
Yeah, I can’t even make stuff like that up. Mind you, if you got to pick a way to go out, i’m not sure falling down the stairs of a ghey secks club wh…
– Tank and truck speed needs reducing Noooooooooooo its pub with xpsave. Especially with a staxis on goldrush and 4 star engi’s, faster tank and truc…
…and why don’t we add heat seeking missiles to the panzer while were at it. FG42 has a much faster rate of fire than smg. It is not meant to be adj…
Nothng beats jumping over an rnade…love doing it and it works like a charm in 95% of cases. You are so frigging good at this game. thnx. :rnade:
its a quoka
Mine always seems to hover around 1.7-1.8 lol.
LED’s ftw. *cough* OLED FTW!!! *cough* average efficiencies and longevity *cough* needs more improvement *cough* They are getting there slowly but O…
Nothng beats jumping over an rnade…love doing it and it works like a charm in 95% of cases.