Last seen: May 3, 2013
I love how everytime this subject is brought up Derps always TL;DR and brags about his 4man panza shot that nobody knows about. Your an inbecile full…
All time favourite player? for me? I suppose a player who can use panzer so well that they get the kill(s) from any position that would make any playe…
I don’t have one TBH. There have been some great players I have come across playing with/against. Honourable mention has to go to players from {MOFO}…
one of my most favorite moments was way back in the early days of internode madness when myself and about 7 other clan mates all tagged up as Fake Mod…
There are may but alot of them involve using precision panzer shots in the most unlikely circumstances; especially mid air panzer shots of either myse…
Still like DeathWish as a name… Sif steal my clan name lol 🙂 Death_Reincarnated – Came from hardest setting on RtCW ‘I am Death Incarnate’ which I…
Here is some motivation to get you started… Back@ya slick Oh and here is one for the next round…
They should have Minecraft as one of the games!!! Last surviving person qualifies… All I heard was; “Herp derp derp Minederp de der de der derp!!! D…
They should have Minecraft as one of the games!!! Last surviving person qualifies…
Start downloading illegal/copyright files constantly or try hack into secured sites and watch how your neighbourhood becomes talk of the town!