Last seen: Sep 9, 2014
do you know abolisher? Also, i hate your internet 🙁
Is your IRL name really “Dragan”?
now you’re going to be even more amazing with that bloody k43 aren’t you…
Fair points Trigger – Agree to disagree. I am being rather idealistic about the whole situation, but promoting potential is better than discarding it….
Bogan: Master troll
Julia has been pretty crappy as a PM. She backflipped on things that actually got her into goverment and has made some ridiculous policies for no conc…
Gillard is the right person to be sitting in the PM chair, and the only reason Rudd wants to challenge is because he’s got a sore rectal cavity after …
I’m hoping, and betting, on Julia. KRudd has the people’s support, but the members of the ALP know him for the selfish, controlling, meglomaniac he …
Shoutout to Cia!