Reputable Member
Joined: Nov 20, 2009
Last seen: Aug 17, 2011
Last seen: Aug 17, 2011
Quoka or Rat
Quokka look at the paws and compare to the two pics
15 years ago
Rifle Grenades
I would but food . . . And another unrelated question. Is it possible to hit a panzer causing it to prematurely blow up, with say a thompson or mg, b…
15 years ago
Rifle Grenades
That sounds like a counter measure to camping with an mg!!! ROFL,sry bud,but that sounds like oasis your talking about! LOL okay so mayb that was me….
15 years ago
Rifle Grenades
An afterthought,if it blows up then you would expect to die from it. Yes but do you have to die from four . . . FOUR at once. just one would be enoug…
15 years ago
iiNet v studios piracy case – round 2
No one wants to buy dvds or cds any more. EXCUSE ME BUT I ONLY BUY CD MUSIC. (sunn be quiet)
15 years ago