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Joined: Jun 9, 2009
Last seen: Jun 21, 2009
Topics: 0 / Replies: 6
Damage and class limitations[FIXED]

Re: Damage and class limitations setting everything to default and we are monitoring it from there. Good job. A person in a public position shouldn…

16 years ago
Something that needs to be said

You’re very negative u know that? It’s supposed to be a fun competitive online game, stop being so cruel and vindictive. Here is my supermodel gf mo…

16 years ago
Something that needs to be said

You act like Joker, Princeofdarkness, Lammy, Bambi, Ulti, gutz, G-train and myself come home and slap on our GAMING GLOVES, warm up our GAMING MICE/HE…

16 years ago
Damage and class limitations[FIXED]

Re: Damage and class limitations Well doesn’t batou have a server? Someone make a forum and lets recreate the old days. Cheers F1 G-train and some …

16 years ago
Something that needs to be said

More GOLD from Middy nothing more needs to be said fail. Cheerz Mick.and here are your true colors.

16 years ago
Something that needs to be said

Hi ppl, this has been bugging me for some time now so I’m just gonna put it out here for all to read. As a lot of people are fond of telling us OZ ser…

16 years ago