Last seen: Nov 2, 2011
the settings were really mucked up last night for some reason cov recharge times were of the hook along with k43 damage fg damage flamer an god knows …
may need to drop the per bomb damage of the arty and air to make it effective, as this is main thing that will allow ppl a chance to make it through t…
calculate default settings k go. F1 i second this although slightly lower arty damage and splash (SLIGHTLY) also panzer (SLIGHTLY) and up dmgknife to…
you wanna nerf meds yet all those changes will do is make it harder for everyone else, i would suggest using this: g_medicSelfhealTime [integer] …
Dell L100 Features include- – QWERT keyboard – F1 to F12 function keys – Page up, page down, Insert home etc – ARROW KEYS IT EVEN HAS A NUMPAD lmao i…