Last seen: Oct 18, 2023
Ahem, sunn – your seal of approval please?
I feel as though someone with more PS skills than myself should probably have a go at this photo and do some evil things to our 2 hobbits.
One does not simply embed an iframe
I like how she holds up a drumstick as she sings “chicken wings”
Bakes knows the score. Only thing is HOW CAN I POSSIBLY WAIT TILL JANUARY FOR NEW SEASON?!?
dear dome of chrome, will i have a good time at the Beechworth Octoberfest? Love Boges Now Bogan, between you and me, you won’t be terribly out of …
Apologies on the tardiness of my replies, nerb has been on holiderps. @ Jerker, methinks you are being a touch tough on your team. Had the race con…
^^^^ = dead forum. relax lol Unfortunately you seem to have missed the point of this thread joker, which was to pose head-scratching conundrums …
Dear Doam kent, Clive Palmer Vs Barnaby Joyce……. who would win the most derps in question time? Also, Turnbull Vs Hockonomics………. whic…
Oh great Doem, answer me this. I received the following email. What should I spend all my monies on? Unfortunately cows, it appears as though your p…